Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Building 42003 at Ft. Hood, Texas, was demolished this month. It's the building where Nadal Hassan carried out his muslim terrorism.

The article on the demolition was not very specific as to the reason the building was razed, mentioning only that some victims and/or their family members were displeased that they had not been consulted. The implication is that the building was torn down, not because it was obsolete or in poor condition, but merely because a terrible crime occurred there. Some of the victims wanted it to remain as a sort of memorial.

The reasoning on both sides of that argument is illogical. The fact that the building is there or not there will not change what happened there. The prime consideration, which seems not to have been a factor at all, should have been whether or not the building was still of use. If the answer was no, then tearing it down to make better use of the property would make sense. If the answer was yes, then tearing it down was stupid and a waste of money. 

"Army demolishes building where massacre took place." The Dallas Morning News; February 19, 2014; p. 3A.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Let me sink this putt, then I'll tell you about Uganda and homosexuals.

A couple of weeks ago, while John Kerry was telling us how terrible global warming is, Obama was on the golf course in Rancho Mirage, California. Wonder how big a carbon footprint was left from flying him and all his secret service and other entourage to California for the weekend?

At any rate, he did take time out to comment on Uganda. You see, Uganda plans to criminalize homosexuality, and Obama says that it will "complicate our valued relationship with Uganda."

I find it odd that he'll stand up against that, but is conveniently silent when Christians are being persecuted around the world. I find it odd that he didn't tell Iran when we were negotiating with them last summer that "our relationship" with them was endangered by their continued imprisonment of Pastor Abedini. Why hasn't he told that fruit loop in North Korea that we want Pastor Bae released pronto? What about Syria where there have been reports of kidnappings, shootings and beheadings of Christians who refused to convert to Islam? Dozens of churches in Egypt have been destroyed, and the Christian population in Iraq is disappearing.

Obama is worried about our "valued relationship" with a third world country, but where is Obama's outrage for these?

"Obama: Uganda's anti-gay law 'a step backward.'" The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2014; p. 14A.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

John Kerry -- stupid or liar?

Regarding global warming (which is now called climate change due to the fact that the globe hasn't been warming in the past few years), Secretary of State John Kerry recently made the statement that "The science is unequivocal."

That is patently false. There are about 50 credible scientists who have published papers in disagreement with one or more aspects of global warming theories. That doesn't count all the scientists who disagree with global warming but haven't published. Do a google search on "global warming conflicting views" or "climate change conflicting views" and see how many hits you get.

It appears that John Kerry hasn't even googled the subject. Either he lied when he said the science was unequivocal, or he's ignorant of the facts. In either case, he's not credible.

"Kerry: Climate change a threat." The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2014; p. 1A.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Snake that Missed God's Call

Jamie Coots was one of those weird snake handling preachers. You know -- the ones who think God will protect them from venomous snakes, so they dance around with them in their churches.

I say that Jamie was one of them, because, alas, Jamie is no more. A big old rattlesnake wasn't listening when God told him not to bite, and Jamie succumbed to the poison. Jamie's son says that it's OK, because God has a plan and we can't change it. Yes, God has a plan . . . He plans for you to use the brain He gave you! I can agree that God doesn't change His plan, but He does give us the freedom to live outside His plan, and when we do that, we can't blame God for the consequences.

I wonder why all those snake handlers don't carry it so far as to stand in the middle of an urban interstate highway at 5 o'clock in the afternoon? Surely, if God can protect you from a venomous snake, He can protect you from being slammed by a semi going 60 mph. I haven't seen any of them doing that, though. And since Jamie's demise, I'll just bet that there won't be quite as many snake handlers show up at their next church reptile extravaganza, either.

"Snake-handling pastor dies after rattler bite." The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2014; p. 4A.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Enjoy the picnic!

Remember Andrea Yates who drowned her five little children in the bathtub? I think the woman really was bonkers from living with a control-freak husband, and she took the only way out she could come up with. But that doesn't mitigate the horrendous thing she did.

Her doctors want to allow her to go on outings with other people in the mental institution where she now resides. They say that she could benefit from going on a picnic. Do they really think that going on a picnic will make her forget those five little lives she took? If I were the judge in the case, I think I'd have to say, "When her little children go on their next picnic, I'll let her go, too."

"Doctors seek outings for Yates." The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2014; p. 3A.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Go ahead and break our laws -- we don't care. By the way, can we sign you up for food stamps while you're here?

Nearly half of illegal aliens facing deportation are now winning their cases before an immigration judge. This number has increased each year since 2009 (Obama's first year in office) even though immigration laws have not changed. What has changed is that Obama has essentially told enforcement agencies and judges not to enforce the law. All hail, King Obama!

"Big shift for those fighting deportation." The Dallas Morning News; February 14, 2014; p. 10A.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Become Famous

All of a sudden all the talk show hosts want Dale Hansen on their shows to laud him for his courage. Why? Because Dale Hansen said on one of his "Unplugged" segments that Michael Sam, the college football star who recently revealed he is a queer, was just an OK guy and should be welcomed into the NFL with open arms. If you want to be famous, jump on the "courageous and brave homosexual" bandwagon.

Granted, I can agree with Hansen on some of what he said -- it's just that he and I come to different conclusions. He says he doesn't understand what the big deal is when the NFL takes players accused of rape, murder, drug use, and consorting with prostitutes.

On that, we are completely in sync. Where we diverge is that Hansen comes to the conclusion that because the NFL takes the others, it should take Sam, too. I don't think they should be employing any of them.

I did read an interesting opinion piece about the Michael Sam situation, though, and it will be interesting to see if it pans out like the columnist thinks. Rick Gosselin thinks, that despite being a college standout, Michael Sam won't fare will in the NFL draft, and that it will have nothing to do with a bias against his perversion. Rather it will be because he is not big enough and not fast enough to compete on the pro football field.

Which causes me to wonder. Does Sam suspect that he won't be snapped up as quickly as a lot of sports prognosticators think, and he's laying the groundwork for a discrimination suit? Or at the least, perhaps he's trying to prepare an excuse for a poor showing. Time will tell.

"Hansen 'stunned' about going viral." The Dallas Morning News; February 14, 2014; p. 1A.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Aren't you glad we have Obamacare?

Doctors are giving up their private practices to go to work for hospitals because of the uncertainty of Obamacare.

Last year, 64% of job offers filled through Merritt Hawkins, one of the nation's leading physician placement firms, involved hospital employment compared with only 11% in 2004.

What does this mean to you? I know personally one young doctor who has given up his family practice leaving his patients to find other primary care physicians -- which is increasingly difficult as the doctor shortage begins to make itself apparent.

"Worried doctors flee private practice for salaried hospital jobs." The Dallas Morning News; February 14, 2014; p. 7A.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What survey was that?

Brian Baldwin of Dallas supports the ACA (Obamacare). He says that most people like him support it as well.

"Most of us with better-paying jobs . . . support ACA subsidies that afford those in low-income brackets a lifestyle closer to our own."

Really, Brian? Most of us? Have you looked at the recent polls? On which poll are you basing your baseless hypothesis?

"Mandate to purchase insurance." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2014; p. 20A.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How lovely!

Anne Lindsey of Glen Meadows says that we should accept any couples who love each other, no matter what sex they are. "People do love outside of the accepted current social standards of a man and a woman. It is no less precious and no less worthy of respect; it is still love."

I would assume that Anne is completely accepting of incestuous relationships between consenting adults. "It is no less precious and no less worthy of respect; it is still love." And I would assume that she is completely accepting of polygamous relationships. "It is no less precious and no less worthy of respect; it is still love."

Alas, Anne, you are wrong. It is not love -- it is abomination. And I got that from the One who knows.

"Why is this so important." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2014; p. 20A.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's good for this country?

Morris Fried of Richardson says, " . . . never in my memory has such venom been addressed at the duly elected president of the United States as now . . . This can't be good for the country."

I suppose Mr. Fried's definition of "venom" is disagreeing with the President's policies. The truth is that this President is what's not good for the country! If he were, perhaps so much "venom" would not be directed toward him.

"Venom heaped on president." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2014; p. 20A.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What is the AG saying?

Our esteemed Attorney General, Eric Holder, wants to fix the "flaws" he sees in the criminal justice system. One of those flaws, he believes, is that felons forfeit their right to vote. We must correct this injustice, Mr. Holder says.

You see, Mr. Holder contends, if we don't allow felons to vote, it disproportionately affects blacks. Well duh! It wouldn't disproportionately affect blacks if blacks didn't constitute a disproportionate number of the felons in this country!

"AG: Restore vote to ex-felons." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2014; p. 8A.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The New RQV

Texas is under attack by the queers. They expect us to legalize gay marriage. Their lawyer's argument goes something like this -- "The state says that gay people have the same rights as others -- they can marry anyone of the opposite sex just like anybody else can. That's like saying that I can hold your head under water, and you still have a right to breathe -- you just can't breathe air."

Well, not quite, Mr. Fancy Pants Lawyer. You see, the human body was not made to breathe water. Neither was it made for homosexual behavior. If your argument is correct, then we must go to the RQV (Revised Queer Version) Bible which changes this KJV passage:

"And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?"

to this:

"And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and queer, And said, For this cause shall a man leave his two moms, and shall cleave to his husband: and they twain shall be one flesh?"

Kind of knocks dead the argument that Jesus never addressed homosexuality, doesn't it?

Matthew 19:4-5

And in other news, Yahoo has updated its profile gender options so that one "can select up to 10 gender identifications."

We're going to hell in a handbasket, folks!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How many words did you hear today?

You may think I'm making this up, but I swear it's the truth.

Poor children in Providence, Rhode Island, are being given digital voice recorders to carry with them to count the number of words they hear each day. The program is called "Providence Talks," and it's designed to erase the disparity between the number of words rich kids hear and the number of words poor kids hear. You see, research shows that rich kids hear more words than poor ones do. Social workers will make home visits and go over the word counts with the disadvantaged parents and give them tips on how to hear more words.

And how much does this cost? The outlay so far is $5 million in private funding; however, I predict that when that $5 million is gone, the liberals will insist that the nasty Republicans don't like poor children if they refuse to kick in government funds to keep it going.

From another perspective, I have to wonder who, besides the social workers, is listening to those recordings.

"Poor families given word counters." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2014; p. 4A.

Friday, February 14, 2014

We must give the terrorists a chance at the American Dream!

Yesterday, I wrote about non-citizen families of American citizens being pushed to the back of the line so that immigration agencies can spend their time making sure we don't deport illegals.

Here's another one for you -- Obama has a compassionate heart for terrorists. By one of his executive orders, he has removed the automatic ban on admitting people to the U.S. who have given "limited" support to terrorists.

"You helped hide Osama Bin Laden? That's OK, we welcome you."

"You have a productive law-abiding Australian wife who wants to join you in the U.S.? Forget it."

Does anybody else see anything wrong with this picture?

"Asylum eased for some." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2014; p. 1A.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

If you're trying to do it right, go to the back of the line.

American citizens who are trying to abide by the rules to get their non-citizen spouses and families into the U.S. have pretty much been told to take a hike by the Obama Administration.

In 2012, Obama instructed the Citizenship and Immigration Services to concentrate on deferring deportation for illegals at the expense of getting green cards to those who are trying to come here legally. What it amounts to is this: if you're here illegally, he's concerned about your well-being; however, if you have a wife and children in another country (as does Andrew Bachert), you've been sent to the back of the line.

"Red tape separating many." The Dallas Morning News; February 9, 2014, p. 9A.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Really! It's a good thing!

Last week, the CBO released some figures showing a projection of 2.3 million jobs lost through Obamacare. At first, I misunderstood the implication. I thought the losses were coming from businesses who could no longer afford those employees because of health care mandates.

But these numbers are a whole different kettle of fish. These are the people who will choose to quit working so that they'll qualify for Obamacare subsidies. The Obama team is thrilled with this -- "This is wonderful," they say. "People can now stay home with their children, they can do things they want to do, they don't have to be tied to a job." They go on to call Republicans hypocrites for not being thrilled that people can now realize "the American dream."

Just FYI - the Republicans are still for people realizing the American Dream. It's just that Obama's "American Dream" and the Republican "American Dream" are two different animals. Obama's American Dream says that you may do as little as you wish and still get a check for food, medical care, shelter, etc., from those who are working. The Republican American Dream says that you will have the opportunity to study, work hard, branch out, and strive for whatever you want in life -- just don't expect somebody else to pay for it.

I commented a week or so on Fernando Rojas. Fernando showed up again in the newspaper on this issue. Fernando says, ". . .more workers than estimated will be able to search for work, change workplace and maybe start their own business, without having to worry about not having health insurance." What happens, Fernando, when we all decide to do that? Who'll be paying then?

As the late, great Margaret Thatcher said, "Eventually, you run out of other people's money."

"It's a good thing for workers." The Dallas Morning News; February 9, 2014; p. 2P.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sign of the Times

I guess it's a sign of the times, or maybe I have completely misinterpreted this photo.

Signing day for high school seniors who received college athletic scholarships was held last week. There were 19 photos in the newspaper of students posing with college officials, their coaches, their parents, and/or their sisters and brothers, etc. In all but two of those pics, all the people were identified.

The photo of Fonzale Davis, though, identified only Fonzale. It didn't tell us the identity of the infant he was holding or the identity of the young woman by his side. Who do you think they were?

"North Texas/19 signees." The Dallas Morning News; February 6, 2014; p. 14C.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We've come to this.

I just read an editorial in the local newspaper which included this tidbit: "It's 2014. Interracial couples were one in every 10 American opposite-sex married couples in the 2012 census."

It used to be that when you clicked the box that said "married," everyone knew what you were talking about. Not so anymore. Now you have to click boxes for "mono-racial, opposite sex-married." Sad, isn't it?


Sunday, February 2, 2014

If we don't like what you say, we'll just prevent you from saying it.

The Cheerios bi-racial family is in the news again. They're trotting out a new Super Bowl commercial while still maintaining that they aren't trying to make any sort of social statement. "Like millions of Americans, we just fell in love with this family. The big game provided another opportunity to tell another story about family love," says Camille Gibson, vp of marketing for Cheerios. Just fell in love with this family? They created this family!

When the family was introduced in the first commercial, General Mills uploaded the commercial to Youtube, but they quickly realized by the comments generated that there are still a lot of people who think pushing interracial relationships isn't good. So what did they do? They disabled the comment function. Kind of gives new meaning to "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

On another note, I'd still like to know how the original casting call went out for this one. That would tell us whether General Mills wanted to sell cereal or do some social engineering.

"Cheerios all in for big bowl." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2014; p. 3D.

P.S. Happy Groundhog Day! Sure hope ol' Phil prognosticates an early spring for us. I'll be watching the Bill Murray movie while the most over-hyped annual event in the nation takes place.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fernando no like Duck Dynasty.

Fernando Rojas does not approve of the people some of our elected officials invited to the State of the Union address. Louis Gohmert had the audacity to invite Shawn (sic) Hannity. Vance McAllister of Louisiana invited Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty. And several Republicans came very close to committing treason by inviting some Americans negatively impacted by Obamacare. This was quite divisive of them, Fernando says. Not at all like Obama inviting to the State of the Union "Jason Collins, the first openly gay player in the NBA . . . who have displayed bravery, who have made us feel that, despite the best efforts of many in Congress, we are indeed moving toward a more perfect union."

So, if you don't think like Fernando and Obama, you shouldn't be invited to Washington.

This isn't Fernando's first comments on us nasty old Republicans. From a letter I found on The Dallas Morning News blog, Fernando says that we can understand what the Republicans are doing to America by following this suggestion:

"Watch the Lion King movie again and make the following substitutions: Replace President Barack Obama for the Lion King, Republicans for the wicked uncle and the tea party for the hyenas."

Honestly, Amigo, you are mucho loco!

"Look who was invited." The Dallas Morning News; January 30, 2014; p. 12A.