Sunday, May 4, 2008

Can you hear me now?

I just got home from church, and evidently the man running the sound system thinks God is hearing impaired. The sound was teeth-rattling loud. Add to that the persistent beat of the drums and bass guitar, the attempt to cram umpteen dozen "praise" choruses into a service, and the clapping and standing ovations, and I felt like I'd had a big amphetamine hit by the time we walked out of there.

I go to church in an attempt to escape the world and find a place that will calm my spirit and be conducive to worship. Loud and fast doesn't provide that place.

When I came home, I opened a window. It was nice and calm outside and there were birds singing in the trees. Think I'll just do my worshiping here.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. That is one reason why I never did approve of Mama shouting in church when I was a kid. It always made me feel that it was not proper. Ma (our grandma)used to do that also. I think church should be a quiet, calm and peaceful place.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be interesting to have the congregation vote....I'll just bet that the majority agree with you Essie!