Monday, September 22, 2008

They did it backwards!

There is an article in yesterday's Dallas Morning News about Jonathan Danyell Brown. He was sentenced in July to ten years in prison for dealing cocaine. This past week, his sentence was reduced to probation, because he said his two white co-defendants received probation, and the only reason he did not was because he was black.

I don't know all the details, but I'll agree with them that the sentence was inequitable. However, they got the solution backwards. Instead of giving Brown probation, they should have stuck the other two in prison for ten years alongside him.

It really doesn't matter much, because I have no doubt all parties will violate probation within the year and will end up in Huntsville. The only part that does matter is the people they will hurt or kill before their probation is revoked.

"Inequality found in man's sentence." The Dallas Morning News; September 21, 2008; p. 1B.

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