Monday, November 24, 2008

You heard it here first . . .

Remember the name Valerie Jarrett. Many of you may not know who she is, but remember the name. Essie May predicts that within four years, she will be involved in a national scandal. And remember . . . you heard it here first!


Anonymous said...

OK Essie....can't just tease with something like that! What's the scoop?

Essie May said...

This quote is taken from a Vogue article about her. Draw your own conclusions.

"Along one wall next to her desk there are dozens of framed photographs, many of them of Barack and Valerie on the campaign trail, some from his Senate race in 2004, but most of them more current. One in particular stands out, and she picks it up. 'This is the night he won in South Carolina,' she says. 'He had just given the victory speech, and I was saying, 'I am so proud of you!' ' In the photograph, Jarrett is staring up at Barack's face with one arm wrapped around him, absolutely beaming."