Saturday, September 12, 2009

Old News

I know this is old news now, but I have some observations on the observations on Obama's September 8 "look at me" session with the nation's school children.

Columnist James Ragland says that opposition to Obama's speech was tantamount to spitting on the flag. Give me a break! The man is antithetical to everything that flag stands for! Ragland says all those who thought it was a bad idea owe Obama an apology. I'll think about it after he apologizes for leading our country to the brink of destruction.

High School student Macey Loureiro said, "I learned a lot about him struggling through his early years." I thought Obama said this speech wasn't about him. Macey went on to say, "We were like, this could be great for kids across the nation to have a president talking to them." Like, wow, like, I wonder if he talked about, like, being you know, like, articulate?

Meg Hilbert of Dallas compared it to George W. Bush reading to a kindergarten class when we were attacked 9/11. It's not the same at all. He was reading a book to one class of students. Obama was trying to infiltrate every classroom in America with his message.

Carol Shaw of Garland says the only way democracy can work is if people put their partisanship aside once elections are over and work together. Perhaps she needs to tell that to Obama. He seems to be the one ignoring Republicans and the vast majority of Americans these days.

David Evans of Plano says, "Give the guy a chance. After all, it's for the children." No, it's not. It's for Obama. Does anyone honestly think he gives a rat's behind about those kids beyond maybe influencing how their parents will vote in the next election?

Joe Madden of Dallas suggests we print up bumper stickers that say "Republicans Against Education." He's been taking twist the situation lessons from Obama. No Republican is against education. I know a bunch of them against indoctrination.

Tom Desmond of Plano says conservatives are objecting "based on your fantasies." No, Mr. Desmond. Conservatives are objecting based on their experience. Obama is a shrewd politician who fantasizes that he is the messiah.

Tank Carson of Dallas says Obama is our president, duly elected by a majority of Americans. That's not true. There are approximately 207,000,000 registered voters in the U.S. Obama received about 69,500,000 votes. That means he was elected by 33 1/2% of Americans. Given his record so far, I bet those almost 77 million who didn't vote will be at the polls in 2012! Then there is ACORN. We all know what a corrupt organization that is, so I have a feeling that a significant number of Obama's 69.5 million votes were fraudulent.

And finally, Stanley Nelson of Dallas says, "Apparently, little or nothing matters to the hard-core Republicans than sacrificing even our nation's fundamental values in their drive to undo the 2008 election." First, Stanley could use a little education himself. He doen't write very well. Second, it's precisely because Republicans hold our nation's fundamental values dear that we don't want Obama's socialist agenda pushed on our kids. Third, how does keeping your kid from hearing a 15 minute paid political announcement undo the 2008 election? If only it were that easy!

Paris News funny for the day: Krista Goerte reported on the recent square and round dance convention held at Love Civic Center in Paris. Essie May knows virtually nothing about square dancing, but even she picked up on this one. Krista repeatedly talks about the "quer," a round dance caller. When I saw that, I thought to myself it was probably "cuer," as in cuing the dancers as to what to do next. So I went to a square dance terminology website, and sure enough, old Essie was right again. Someone needs to cue Krista in.

"Obama's Speech to Students." The Dallas Morning News; September 7, 2009; p. 16A.
"Apologies due for ado over Obama talk." The Dallas Morning News; September 9, 2009; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't miss much, do you Essie May?
I totally agree with you on all points!