Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Texas is in trouble, folks!

Why should we care what other states do with gay marriage? I've been warning about it, and now it's here. State District Judge Tena Callahan has ruled that we must grant a divorce to two men married in a state which recognizes gay marriage. She says that we deny them their 14th amendment rights if we don't.

Dallas attorney Peter Schulte represents the two queers. He says, "If a divorce is granted in the case, the court is NOT creating, recognizing or validating a marriage between persons of the same sex; rather the effect of a divorce immediately ends a marriage which furthers the 'public policy' of this state as written in the Family Code." He further stated, "This is not about gay marriage; this is about gay divorce." What a bunch of hooey! Of course granting a divorce acknowledges that a marriage existed. You don't see unmarried people in divorce court! How do you "end" something that doesn't exist in the first place? As soon as we grant a divorce, they'll be filing suit claiming that we have to let them marry, because we've acknowledged the validity by granting a divorce.

Our Attorney General, bless his heart, is appealing her ruling. What our legislature needs to do is pass an amendment to the gay marriage law that also outlaws gay divorce. That will settle that issue, and if the homos want a divorce, they can go back to where they like perverts. We need to get busy and campaign against this rogue judge. Then they can take her with them.

"Texas judge rejects gay-marriage ban." The Dallas Morning News; October 2, 2009; p. 1A.

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