Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Your tax dollars at work.

The people need to rise up and say, "No more government programs." They're all rife with fraud and abuse. Take the first-time home buyer credit.

Nearly 1,000 people in Texas who filed for the $8,000 credit didn't use a good old U.S. of A. social security number. They used a special taxpayer identification number primarily used by illegal aliens. My first question here is why does an illegal alien get any kind of a number? When they apply, shouldn't they be deported because they are -- duh -- illegal?

At any rate, there were 3,200 of these things filed by illegals nationwide costing us $20.8 million. In addition to all the illegals, there were 74,000 claims submitted by people who already owned a home or never bought one. We also paid for some 4-year-olds to buy houses.

And we want these people to run our health care!

"Feds cite dubious tax credit claims." The Dallas Morning News; January 26, 2010; p. 1A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why people are getting $10,000plus income tax refunds! It's nuts...FLAT TAX, FLAT TAX, FLAT TAX!