Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stephen D. Spotswood must be mad as a hatter.

Last month, the new Alice in Wonderland movie debuted. I haven't seen it yet, but I love the old story. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, and he plays the Mad Hatter.

Stephen D. Spotswood of Plano is perturbed by the movie. He says that it makes fun of a serious disease. In case you don't know, the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from a malady commonly suffered by hatters in the 19th Century. They used mercury in the hat-making process and unwittingly poisoned themselves. Spotswood asks, "What will kiddy fantasy stories use next: characters with PTSD?" Perhaps he should ask Lewis Carroll. In the meantime, maybe he should just lighten up a little bit.

"Mad Hatter's very real problem." The Dallas Morning News; February 19, 2010; p. 22A.

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