Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cheesy Explosion Follow-up

I posted some time ago about the spoilsport who thinks it's encouraging violence to let a young boy push the button to blow up Texas Stadium. Well, now the food police are after Kraft.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine thinks cheese can't be a part of a nutritious diet. Raw carrots are nutritrious, but if I eat too many of them, I'll turn my skin orange. Citrus is nutritious, but if I eat too much I'll ruin my bladder and rot my teeth. Same with cheese -- it's a great source of calcium which most kids get way too little of, and I haven't heard Kraft advocating eating it three times a day seven days a week. As far as the fat content, you can buy the reduced fat cheese.

So, Physicians Committee, why don't you butt out?

"Implosion sponsorship challenged." The Dallas Morning News; March 9, 2010; p. 6B.

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