Friday, May 28, 2010

Veronica and Betty are disgusted.

My favorite comic book when I was a kid was Archie. I never could figure out why Archie was so much more attracted to Veronica than he was to cute, perky Betty. Anyway, the innocents in Riverdale are no longer innocent. PC has taken over, and a gay character now inhabits this little Everytown, USA. How sad that we must now protect our children from what was once a wholesome look at teenagers and their angst-filled lives.

Leonard Pitts sees this all as a good thing. He says, "We are at least done contesting the very right of gay men and lesbians to simply 'be.'" He touts the "progress" we've made -- it is, he says, "a series of incremental changes whose full importance we see only in hindsight." And that's what I've been saying everytime we make one more concession to those who practice abomination.

And he says now that there's a homosexual in Riverdale, we should say, "Welcome to the 21st Century. We've been waiting for you." I think we should rather say, "Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah."

"A gay teen in Archie's world?" The Dallas Morning News; May 3, 2010; p. 15a.

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