Obama said this month that premiums in the government health plan for people with pre-existing conditions will be cut, and coverage will be upgraded. Why? Because people can't afford his "affordable" insurance.
The expectation was that 375,000 people would sign up for this coverage with premiums ranging from $400 to $600 per month. The total signed up so far? 8,000. So instead of taking in about $187 million a month, they're actually taking in about $4 million a month. Let's see -- in a year, that's about a $2 billion shortfall. And guess who's picking up the shortfall?
Looks like this part of Obamacare is going to work about as well as the rest of it.
"Some premiums to get cheaper." The Dallas Morning News; November 6, 2010; p. 5A.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Reward the guilty.
More than 1.2 million Texans who have refused to pay the surcharge on their fines for drunken driving and other violations are being rewarded for thumbing their noses at the law. They will be granted amnesty. Those who have been paying the surcharges, though, will be required to continue to pay them. What is wrong with this picture?
The side note to this? I wonder how many of those who are being granted amnesty are illegal.
"Extra traffic fines to change." The Dallas Morning News; November 6, 2010; p. 1A.
The side note to this? I wonder how many of those who are being granted amnesty are illegal.
"Extra traffic fines to change." The Dallas Morning News; November 6, 2010; p. 1A.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
You heard it here first.
By an overwhelming number (70%), Oklahoma voters approved an amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution which would ban judges from deferring to international or Sharia law in their decisions. This is a common sense thing -- we have our own set of laws.
However, Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange has issued an injunction to prevent the state from certifying the vote. If we don't reign in judges like Ms. Miles-LaGrange, here's what will happen.
The first ruling is that judges MAY defer to Sharia law. Then it will slowly morph into judges MUST defer to Sharia law. We better open our eyes and be careful! If the liberals can't win at the ballot box, they'll win through court rulings and executive orders.
Another interesting point here - Ms. Miles-LaGrange was educated in Ghana, West Africa. If you don't know what religion that country is, look it up. Might explain her ruling.
"Oklahoma judge blocks amendment on Islamic law." The Dallas Morning News; November 9, 2010; p. 3A.
However, Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange has issued an injunction to prevent the state from certifying the vote. If we don't reign in judges like Ms. Miles-LaGrange, here's what will happen.
The first ruling is that judges MAY defer to Sharia law. Then it will slowly morph into judges MUST defer to Sharia law. We better open our eyes and be careful! If the liberals can't win at the ballot box, they'll win through court rulings and executive orders.
Another interesting point here - Ms. Miles-LaGrange was educated in Ghana, West Africa. If you don't know what religion that country is, look it up. Might explain her ruling.
"Oklahoma judge blocks amendment on Islamic law." The Dallas Morning News; November 9, 2010; p. 3A.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Go Texas! Go Texas!
Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle is ready! She's already filed a voter ID and anti-illegal immigration bills, one of which would allow the arrest of those here illegally under a new trespassing law. Students would have to show proof of citizenship. We'll still have to educate them because of federal rulings, but determining how many are illegal will help the state to calculate how much the taxpayers are spending on these scofflaws. Another of her bills will mandate that all documents printed at taxpayer expense be printed in English only.
Representative Jessica Farrar says the Republicans are "out of touch" by introducing such bills. She says "We need to recover our economy." Well, Rep. Farrar, are you so out of touch that you don't realize that the vast influx of illegals is one of the problems with our economy? Given the results of the recent election, I'd say Rep. Farrar is the one "out of touch."
"GOP flexes muscle in early bills." The Dallas Morning News; November 9, 2010; p. 2A.
Representative Jessica Farrar says the Republicans are "out of touch" by introducing such bills. She says "We need to recover our economy." Well, Rep. Farrar, are you so out of touch that you don't realize that the vast influx of illegals is one of the problems with our economy? Given the results of the recent election, I'd say Rep. Farrar is the one "out of touch."
"GOP flexes muscle in early bills." The Dallas Morning News; November 9, 2010; p. 2A.
Friday, November 26, 2010
How many more chances?
Moses Coppin was conviced in 2003 of indecency with a child and sexual assault of a child. In 2008, he had a felony weapons charge lodged against him. Last year, he was charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
On October 29, he posed as a pest control worker and robbed a woman of several thousand dollars worth of jewelry. Police quickly apprehended him. His bail was set at $300,000. He quickly produced the $30,000 required to get out of jail -- $30,000 the police are pretty sure he got by selling the jewelry he stole.
So how many more chances should he get? By the way, when the newspaper tried to contact him for a comment, they couldn't find him. He has since been located and re-apprehended.
"Man out of jail, angering robbery victims, police." The Dallas Morning News; November 11, 2010; p. 11B.
On October 29, he posed as a pest control worker and robbed a woman of several thousand dollars worth of jewelry. Police quickly apprehended him. His bail was set at $300,000. He quickly produced the $30,000 required to get out of jail -- $30,000 the police are pretty sure he got by selling the jewelry he stole.
So how many more chances should he get? By the way, when the newspaper tried to contact him for a comment, they couldn't find him. He has since been located and re-apprehended.
"Man out of jail, angering robbery victims, police." The Dallas Morning News; November 11, 2010; p. 11B.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
No Turkey Day
Duncan Spinner of Dallas wants us all to have a vegan Thanksgiving. He says that the tradition of the President pardoning a turkey is not enough -- we should all do the same by having a "non-violent," turkeyless, no-animal product Thanksgiving.
He says this gesture would show compassion for the animals. His Thanksgiving dinner will include a tofu/wheatmeat "turkey," acorn squash with stuffing, and lentil croquettes. Yum! Isn't your mouth just watering?
As for me and my house, we are very thankful that God provided us turkeys to roast (Genesis 9:3), cranberries to make sauce from, yeast and flour for steamy melt-in-your mouth rolls, Campbell's soup for that good old green bean casserole, whipped cream and pecans for those delicious rich desserts, and a little more sense than old Duncan has.
Seriously, we are extremely grateful for all God's many blessings, and we pray you have a joyous and safe Thanksgiving with family and friends. Now excuse me while I go to the kitchen and inhale that beautiful roast turkey aroma.
"A vegan Thanksgiving." The Dallas Morning News; November 22, 2010; p. 12A.
He says this gesture would show compassion for the animals. His Thanksgiving dinner will include a tofu/wheatmeat "turkey," acorn squash with stuffing, and lentil croquettes. Yum! Isn't your mouth just watering?
As for me and my house, we are very thankful that God provided us turkeys to roast (Genesis 9:3), cranberries to make sauce from, yeast and flour for steamy melt-in-your mouth rolls, Campbell's soup for that good old green bean casserole, whipped cream and pecans for those delicious rich desserts, and a little more sense than old Duncan has.
Seriously, we are extremely grateful for all God's many blessings, and we pray you have a joyous and safe Thanksgiving with family and friends. Now excuse me while I go to the kitchen and inhale that beautiful roast turkey aroma.
"A vegan Thanksgiving." The Dallas Morning News; November 22, 2010; p. 12A.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Explain this one to me.
On October 28, Dallas Police Officer Nathaniel Draughon observed a pickup run two stop signs. He stopped the pickup. He asked the driver if there was anything illegal in the truck, and the driver, Bernard Burnley, said that he didn't know. The truck did not belong to him. The officer asked for permission to search the vehicle, and Burnley said OK.
At this time, Dallas City Council Member Carolyn Davis poked her nose in where it didn't belong. She says that Burnley did not run the stop signs, and she has photographs to prove it. Now, can someone explain to me how a still photograph can prove whether or not someone ran a stop sign?
Burnley now says he did not give the officer permission to search his vehicle. Davis said she knows he's telling the truth because she's known him for years. That being the case, I guess she also knows about his extensive criminal past.
And I wonder if Ms. Davis realized that she was attempting to bribe and/or intimidate an officer when she said, "For all the stuff that we do. Here we are working on your -- the pension and all that stuff -- for us to get treated -- for me to get treated like this . . ." I guess she feels the work she does on the council entitles her to thumb her nose at the law for both herself and her constituents.
"Traffic stop gets scrutiny." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2010; p. 1B.
At this time, Dallas City Council Member Carolyn Davis poked her nose in where it didn't belong. She says that Burnley did not run the stop signs, and she has photographs to prove it. Now, can someone explain to me how a still photograph can prove whether or not someone ran a stop sign?
Burnley now says he did not give the officer permission to search his vehicle. Davis said she knows he's telling the truth because she's known him for years. That being the case, I guess she also knows about his extensive criminal past.
And I wonder if Ms. Davis realized that she was attempting to bribe and/or intimidate an officer when she said, "For all the stuff that we do. Here we are working on your -- the pension and all that stuff -- for us to get treated -- for me to get treated like this . . ." I guess she feels the work she does on the council entitles her to thumb her nose at the law for both herself and her constituents.
"Traffic stop gets scrutiny." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2010; p. 1B.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
No justice, no peas!
San Francisco has banned Happy Meals. Little kids can no longer get a toy with their chicken nuggets and fries. How un-American is that?
City Supervisor Eric Mar sponsored the bill which requires fruits and vegetables if a toy is included in the meal. "We're part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice." Food justice? Is he serious? I'm not sure what "food justice" is. Does it mean the ACLU will be filing suits against Baskin-Robbins demanding that the civil rights of broccoli and carrots be protected?
That this man even said such an incredibly stupid thing is scary. But what's even scarier is that the media evidently fell for it hook, line, and sinker. There is no common sense anymore!
"San Francisco officials outlaw Happy Meals." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2010; p. 6A.
City Supervisor Eric Mar sponsored the bill which requires fruits and vegetables if a toy is included in the meal. "We're part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice." Food justice? Is he serious? I'm not sure what "food justice" is. Does it mean the ACLU will be filing suits against Baskin-Robbins demanding that the civil rights of broccoli and carrots be protected?
That this man even said such an incredibly stupid thing is scary. But what's even scarier is that the media evidently fell for it hook, line, and sinker. There is no common sense anymore!
"San Francisco officials outlaw Happy Meals." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2010; p. 6A.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Nanny Government, please take care of me.
Back in October, the Girl Scouts were in negotiation with the American company that makes all their uniforms. The Girl Scouts said they were looking at all their options, and that it was possible that they would not renew a contract with Jackie Evans Inc. Such a move would be devastating for the company as the Girl Scouts organization is its only customer.
So what was the reaction of Domenick Monaco, the son of the owner? He said his company was looking at ways to come up with a bid including "seeking grants or government help to keep prices competitive." Nanny Government, I can't do this by myself!
I guess the Monacos haven't learned the old saw about not putting all ones eggs in one basket. Instead of seeking a government bailout, why didn't he say, "You know, there are lots of other places out there that need uniforms -- let's do some research and see if we can't replace this contract with another." Monaco says the end of the Girl Scout contract will mean the end of his business. If he has no more gumption or creativity than that, I wonder how he's stayed in business as long as he has.
I have since read that the Girl Scouts will be signing a new contract with the company. Guess the taxpayers won't have to bail this one out -- at least for another year or so.
"Possible loss of Girl Scouts' contract threatens factory." The Dallas Morning News; October 30, 2010; p. 6A.
So what was the reaction of Domenick Monaco, the son of the owner? He said his company was looking at ways to come up with a bid including "seeking grants or government help to keep prices competitive." Nanny Government, I can't do this by myself!
I guess the Monacos haven't learned the old saw about not putting all ones eggs in one basket. Instead of seeking a government bailout, why didn't he say, "You know, there are lots of other places out there that need uniforms -- let's do some research and see if we can't replace this contract with another." Monaco says the end of the Girl Scout contract will mean the end of his business. If he has no more gumption or creativity than that, I wonder how he's stayed in business as long as he has.
I have since read that the Girl Scouts will be signing a new contract with the company. Guess the taxpayers won't have to bail this one out -- at least for another year or so.
"Possible loss of Girl Scouts' contract threatens factory." The Dallas Morning News; October 30, 2010; p. 6A.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
ACORN's Sinister Works
Columnist Leonard Pitts makes fun of conservatives who see ACORN for what it is. He describes ACORN as "the financially troubled group whose sinister works included advocating for poor and middle-income people."
He left out some of the sinister works -- such as registering the entire Dallas Cowboys team to vote in Nevada and giving counsel to a pimp on how to describe his business to qualify for government subsidies.
There are none so blind as they who will not see. Or maybe they see, but pushing a liberal agenda is more important than being honest.
"A title they don't deserve." The Dallas Morning News; October 7, 2010; p. 19A.
He left out some of the sinister works -- such as registering the entire Dallas Cowboys team to vote in Nevada and giving counsel to a pimp on how to describe his business to qualify for government subsidies.
There are none so blind as they who will not see. Or maybe they see, but pushing a liberal agenda is more important than being honest.
"A title they don't deserve." The Dallas Morning News; October 7, 2010; p. 19A.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
You think there could be a reason?
Nearly two thirds of Latinos in the U.S. think they are being discriminated against, and most of them think the backlash over illegal immigration is the cause of the bias. More than half of them told reporters they feared being deported. You think there could be a reason for that fear -- like maybe they're illegal?
Eighty-six percent of respondents said that illegal immigrants should be placed on a path to citizenship once they pass background checks and pay a fine. Only 13 percent believe illegals should be deported. You think that could be the reason citizens don't like them?
The bottom line, however, is that illegals evidently aren't suffering enough bias. They're still here, aren't they?
"Poll: Latinos say bias is a big problem." The Dallas Morning News; October 29, 2010; p. 6A.
Eighty-six percent of respondents said that illegal immigrants should be placed on a path to citizenship once they pass background checks and pay a fine. Only 13 percent believe illegals should be deported. You think that could be the reason citizens don't like them?
The bottom line, however, is that illegals evidently aren't suffering enough bias. They're still here, aren't they?
"Poll: Latinos say bias is a big problem." The Dallas Morning News; October 29, 2010; p. 6A.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Showy & Contrived vs. Classy & Real

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Rodney needs to buy a good Bible commentary.
Rodney W. Pirtle of Farmers Branch says the only criterion God gave us for "entering the kingdom" was the extent to which we served the poor and needy. Uhhhhhhh, Rodney, hellooooooo.
I don't know what version of the Bible you're reading, but you missed that verse that says, "He that believeth in Me is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." And you missed that one that says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." And you missed that one that says, "I am the way the truth and the life -- no man cometh unto the Father but by me." And you missed that one that says, "Ye must be born again."
Rodney contends that you won't hear the sheep and goats parable in Matthew 25 preached from many Christian pulpits. I don't know where he goes to church, but it's been preached enough in my church that I know a few things. For example, though we can certainly glean lessons from it, Matthew's message is not primarily to the modern day Christian -- it's to the Jews. And the sheep and the goats in the parable are not individuals -- they are nations. This judgment is to determine which nations accepted Jesus Christ and pledged their loyalty to Him and His people through the way they treated His messengers. It is not to determine an individual's salvation. Those nations who did not reject him will enter the millenial kingdom. Those who did reject Him, won't.
So Rodney, before you again expose your biblical ignorance to thousands of people, might I suggest that you invest in a good Bible commentary.
"Parable on judgment." The Dallas Morning News; October 10, 2010; p. 3P.
I don't know what version of the Bible you're reading, but you missed that verse that says, "He that believeth in Me is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." And you missed that one that says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." And you missed that one that says, "I am the way the truth and the life -- no man cometh unto the Father but by me." And you missed that one that says, "Ye must be born again."
Rodney contends that you won't hear the sheep and goats parable in Matthew 25 preached from many Christian pulpits. I don't know where he goes to church, but it's been preached enough in my church that I know a few things. For example, though we can certainly glean lessons from it, Matthew's message is not primarily to the modern day Christian -- it's to the Jews. And the sheep and the goats in the parable are not individuals -- they are nations. This judgment is to determine which nations accepted Jesus Christ and pledged their loyalty to Him and His people through the way they treated His messengers. It is not to determine an individual's salvation. Those nations who did not reject him will enter the millenial kingdom. Those who did reject Him, won't.
So Rodney, before you again expose your biblical ignorance to thousands of people, might I suggest that you invest in a good Bible commentary.
"Parable on judgment." The Dallas Morning News; October 10, 2010; p. 3P.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
State if it's Texas -- Federal if it's Arizona
It seems our Department of Homeland Security Secretary can't make up her mind. We all know the federal government has filed a lawsuit against Arizona for their attempts to enforce immigration law. "It's the federal government's role, and the state is interfering," they said.
But it seems Janet Napolitano has changed her mind. When Governor Rick Perry asked for more troops to patrol the border, she said he could forget about it. "He is a governor. He always has the ability, in a way, to bring up National Guard, if he's willing to pay for them." She said the National Guard is not designed "to be a substitute for civilian law enforcement."
Does this mean they're dropping the ridiculous lawsuit against Arizona? You can't have it both ways, Madame Secretary!
"Napolitano steadfast against Perry's plea for more troops." The Dallas Morning News; September 18, 2010; p. 3A.
But it seems Janet Napolitano has changed her mind. When Governor Rick Perry asked for more troops to patrol the border, she said he could forget about it. "He is a governor. He always has the ability, in a way, to bring up National Guard, if he's willing to pay for them." She said the National Guard is not designed "to be a substitute for civilian law enforcement."
Does this mean they're dropping the ridiculous lawsuit against Arizona? You can't have it both ways, Madame Secretary!
"Napolitano steadfast against Perry's plea for more troops." The Dallas Morning News; September 18, 2010; p. 3A.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What a great place!
The Dallas Morning News is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for entertainment venues to review. Special Contributor Sarah Perry recently reviewed the Crazy Horse Saloon in Denton. Maybe I'm just an old stick-in-the-mud, but it sounds like the last place on earth I'd want to spend some leisure time.
"The bar is filled with smoke so thick, it clings to your clothes for days." Sounds like my kind of place!
". . .a silver-haired man sits alone sipping on a pitcher of cheap American beer." Sounds like my kind of place!
" . . .a man with a rebel flag bandanna stretched across his head flicks ashes onto the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!
"Every week, the regulars return to drink the same beer and hear the same man sing the same songs." Sounds like my kind of place!
"They aren't bothered by the two men holding hands or the two women two-stepping across the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!
Eddie, the owner, "wears dusty jeans and smudged tennis shoes . . .and he's missing a tooth or two." Sounds like my kind of place!
Richard, the entertainer, is gay. "He strutted across the stage and cooed Britney Spears tunes, sometimes stripping down to his skivvies." ("And if you could see the picture of this guy, you'd agree that's a pretty disgusting vision). Sounds like my kind of place!
Some of the regulars at the bar include "an Elvis impersonator, a straight couple and their son, a lesbian couple, a white woman and her biracial daughter, and a boisterous black woman with claws tattooed on her breast." Sounds like my kind of place!
"Richard steps to the stage. . .Eddie's drunk enough to sing with Richard." Sounds like my kind of place!
Eugenia Crawford, 28, swings across the dance floor with the woman she calls her friend, and her muscles ripple with every turn." Sounds like my kind of place!
So . . . if you like sitting around on barrel bottoms, the Crazy Horse sure sounds like your kind of place.
"Room for All." The Dallas Morning News; October 24, 2010; p. 1E.
"The bar is filled with smoke so thick, it clings to your clothes for days." Sounds like my kind of place!
". . .a silver-haired man sits alone sipping on a pitcher of cheap American beer." Sounds like my kind of place!
" . . .a man with a rebel flag bandanna stretched across his head flicks ashes onto the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!
"Every week, the regulars return to drink the same beer and hear the same man sing the same songs." Sounds like my kind of place!
"They aren't bothered by the two men holding hands or the two women two-stepping across the floor." Sounds like my kind of place!
Eddie, the owner, "wears dusty jeans and smudged tennis shoes . . .and he's missing a tooth or two." Sounds like my kind of place!
Richard, the entertainer, is gay. "He strutted across the stage and cooed Britney Spears tunes, sometimes stripping down to his skivvies." ("And if you could see the picture of this guy, you'd agree that's a pretty disgusting vision). Sounds like my kind of place!
Some of the regulars at the bar include "an Elvis impersonator, a straight couple and their son, a lesbian couple, a white woman and her biracial daughter, and a boisterous black woman with claws tattooed on her breast." Sounds like my kind of place!
"Richard steps to the stage. . .Eddie's drunk enough to sing with Richard." Sounds like my kind of place!
Eugenia Crawford, 28, swings across the dance floor with the woman she calls her friend, and her muscles ripple with every turn." Sounds like my kind of place!
So . . . if you like sitting around on barrel bottoms, the Crazy Horse sure sounds like your kind of place.
"Room for All." The Dallas Morning News; October 24, 2010; p. 1E.
Monday, November 15, 2010
We're in trouble, folks!
A recent article in the newspaper extolled the new technological "learning tool" being used in some of our universities. To be perfectly honest with you, I didn't read it. It was the inset accompanying the article that caught my attention.
It showed an example of a new high-tech gadget that allows a professor to project a multiple choice question onto a screen or wall. Each student has a clicker that gives him the ability to record his answer. A graph charting the responses is then projected.
Here's what I find astonishing. The example came from a recent class in Law and American Society at Temple University. The question and possible answers were:
What happened in 1215?
A) Last Eagles championship
B) The Spanish Armada
C) Temple University opened
D) Magna Carta
I can't believe that a college multiple choice question is not more challenging than that. You don't have to know at all what happened in 1215 to get the correct answer. You can pretty well eliminate choice A as we're not about to have Super Bowl DCCXCV. Since it's a class in Law and American Society, it's a good bet choice B is not correct. Unless you think Temple University predates European settlers in North America, choice C is out the window. That leaves the Magna Carta which anyone on a college track should have known without going through the process of elimination. Yet 18% of the students who responded to this question missed it. We're in trouble, folks! Maybe it's time we went back to that low-tech learning tool called reading a textbook.
"Learning tool clicks with college students." The Dallas Morning News; September 19, 2010; p. 6A.
It showed an example of a new high-tech gadget that allows a professor to project a multiple choice question onto a screen or wall. Each student has a clicker that gives him the ability to record his answer. A graph charting the responses is then projected.
Here's what I find astonishing. The example came from a recent class in Law and American Society at Temple University. The question and possible answers were:
What happened in 1215?
A) Last Eagles championship
B) The Spanish Armada
C) Temple University opened
D) Magna Carta
I can't believe that a college multiple choice question is not more challenging than that. You don't have to know at all what happened in 1215 to get the correct answer. You can pretty well eliminate choice A as we're not about to have Super Bowl DCCXCV. Since it's a class in Law and American Society, it's a good bet choice B is not correct. Unless you think Temple University predates European settlers in North America, choice C is out the window. That leaves the Magna Carta which anyone on a college track should have known without going through the process of elimination. Yet 18% of the students who responded to this question missed it. We're in trouble, folks! Maybe it's time we went back to that low-tech learning tool called reading a textbook.
"Learning tool clicks with college students." The Dallas Morning News; September 19, 2010; p. 6A.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
It's gone beyond tolerance.
Gays are now determining church doctrine. While I don't agree with the Mormons, their "prophets" and elders should have as much freedom of speech and religion as anyone else. But now one of them is in trouble, because he's dared to call homosexuality what it is.
LDS leader Boyd K. Packer said that same sex relationships are unnatural and that gay sexual attraction can be overcome. The Human Rights Campaign has delivered a petition to the church calling for Packer to retract the statements. And it seems the church is caving in to the pressure. Spokesman Michael Otterson said in an official church statement that "belittling others for being different is wrong." Of course, we have to consider that this is the same church that sanctioned polygamy.
At any rate, Packer should have the right to voice his beliefs whether the gays like it or not. Be warned -- they may be coming after your pastor next.
"Mormon Church replies to petition." The Dallas Morning News; October 13, 2010; p. 7A.
LDS leader Boyd K. Packer said that same sex relationships are unnatural and that gay sexual attraction can be overcome. The Human Rights Campaign has delivered a petition to the church calling for Packer to retract the statements. And it seems the church is caving in to the pressure. Spokesman Michael Otterson said in an official church statement that "belittling others for being different is wrong." Of course, we have to consider that this is the same church that sanctioned polygamy.
At any rate, Packer should have the right to voice his beliefs whether the gays like it or not. Be warned -- they may be coming after your pastor next.
"Mormon Church replies to petition." The Dallas Morning News; October 13, 2010; p. 7A.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Is it this way or that way?
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (who essentially told Governor Rick Perry to take care of his own borders and advocates the federal lawsuit against Arizona enforcing immigration laws) is bragging about a 17% drop in Border Patrol arrests this year. She says it shows that heightened enforcement is slowing illegal immigration. But couldn't it be that the Border Patrol isn't making as many arrests because their hands are tied? Could it be that there is a corresponding 17% increase in the number of illegals successfully making it across the border without being arrested?
In fact, later in her statements, Napolitano kind of contradicts herself. She says that more drugs, weapons, and illicit cash than ever before are being seized. Well, if fewer illegals are coming here, where are all those drugs, weapons, and illicit cash coming from?
She says the decrease in arrests is due to enforcement under Barack Obama. I'm sure she got that part right!
"Napolitano touts 17 percent fall in Border Patrol arrests." The Dallas Morning News; October 19, 2010; p. 3A.
In fact, later in her statements, Napolitano kind of contradicts herself. She says that more drugs, weapons, and illicit cash than ever before are being seized. Well, if fewer illegals are coming here, where are all those drugs, weapons, and illicit cash coming from?
She says the decrease in arrests is due to enforcement under Barack Obama. I'm sure she got that part right!
"Napolitano touts 17 percent fall in Border Patrol arrests." The Dallas Morning News; October 19, 2010; p. 3A.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Garage sales are dangerous if you have to pay a fee.
The City of Dallas is considering enacting an ordinance that would charge residents a fee if they wish to have a garage sale. I don't have a lot of thought one way or the other on the issue, but Julia Dodson of Dallas does. And if the argument she's come up with is the best she can do, then I'd say the fee will be implemented.
Here's her argument: Charging residents a fee will make garage sales dangerous. You see, instead of paying the fee, residents will move their sales to dark backyards and back alleys where they can't be seen. Women will be mugged as they paw through the old Mr. Coffee machines, worn blue jeans, toasters, paperbacks, and cracked pottery.
I think Julia's cheese has slid right off her cracker. But then again, maybe what she's saying is an indictment of the way people think today. Instead of saying, "Oh darn! I now have to pay $15 to the city to have a garage sale," people immediately start planning how to break the law without getting caught. It seems moral standards are in extremely short supply these days.
"Garage sale safety at stake." The Dallas Morning News; October 15, 2010; p. 26A.
Here's her argument: Charging residents a fee will make garage sales dangerous. You see, instead of paying the fee, residents will move their sales to dark backyards and back alleys where they can't be seen. Women will be mugged as they paw through the old Mr. Coffee machines, worn blue jeans, toasters, paperbacks, and cracked pottery.
I think Julia's cheese has slid right off her cracker. But then again, maybe what she's saying is an indictment of the way people think today. Instead of saying, "Oh darn! I now have to pay $15 to the city to have a garage sale," people immediately start planning how to break the law without getting caught. It seems moral standards are in extremely short supply these days.
"Garage sale safety at stake." The Dallas Morning News; October 15, 2010; p. 26A.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Did you know God was at least as smart as I am?
Bill Cox of Sanger has a screw loose somewhere. He says that, as human beings, we came up with many different ways to get from point A to point B -- we can go by bus, train, automobile, plane -- we can take any number of different highway routes.
That being the case, he jumps to the ridiculous conclusion that since God is at least as smart as we are, then he must have created a whole bunch of different ways to get to heaven. He says those of us who believe Jesus when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me," and "Ye must be born again," must think God is less clever than we are. "To think that he only created one way to get to know him is like saying driving a car on a specific route is the only way to get to New York City. . . he's at least as smart -- and creative -- as we are."
Uh, Bill, it's not the same thing at all. When I die, I don't plan on going to New York City. There may be many roads to New York, but there's only one to heaven -- read your Bible before you make a fool of yourself again. And let me know which scriptures say God created "many paths for that diversity to know him."
"At least as smart as we are." The Dallas Morning News; October 12, 2010; p. 14A.
That being the case, he jumps to the ridiculous conclusion that since God is at least as smart as we are, then he must have created a whole bunch of different ways to get to heaven. He says those of us who believe Jesus when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me," and "Ye must be born again," must think God is less clever than we are. "To think that he only created one way to get to know him is like saying driving a car on a specific route is the only way to get to New York City. . . he's at least as smart -- and creative -- as we are."
Uh, Bill, it's not the same thing at all. When I die, I don't plan on going to New York City. There may be many roads to New York, but there's only one to heaven -- read your Bible before you make a fool of yourself again. And let me know which scriptures say God created "many paths for that diversity to know him."
"At least as smart as we are." The Dallas Morning News; October 12, 2010; p. 14A.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Queen Andy Moreno
Andy Moreno is a senior student at North Dallas High School. He dresses and acts like a girl. He wanted to run for homecoming queer -- I mean queen.
Thank goodness for a principal with some principles! Principal Dinnah Escanilla does not abide such foolish grandstanding. If Andy wants to run for homecoming king, that's fine, but boys do not run for homecoming queen.
Moreno was not among the three nominees selected for homecoming queen. "I'm really mad about it. I know it's not because I didn't have enough votes," he said. And now Queer Liberation is threatening a lawsuit. It irks me that the taxpayers of DISD will have to foot the bill to defend against this stupidity.
Another thing that irks me is The Dallas Morning News and political correctness run amok. Despite knowing that Andy is a boy, it persists in referring to him as "she" and "her." It claims its policy is to refer to people in the gender they prefer. Which brings up an interesting question: if Andy develops a medical problem with his private parts, does the doctor refer to HER testicles in his reports?
"Student fails in homecoming queen bid." The Dallas Morning News; October 12, 2010; p. 3B.
Thank goodness for a principal with some principles! Principal Dinnah Escanilla does not abide such foolish grandstanding. If Andy wants to run for homecoming king, that's fine, but boys do not run for homecoming queen.
Moreno was not among the three nominees selected for homecoming queen. "I'm really mad about it. I know it's not because I didn't have enough votes," he said. And now Queer Liberation is threatening a lawsuit. It irks me that the taxpayers of DISD will have to foot the bill to defend against this stupidity.
Another thing that irks me is The Dallas Morning News and political correctness run amok. Despite knowing that Andy is a boy, it persists in referring to him as "she" and "her." It claims its policy is to refer to people in the gender they prefer. Which brings up an interesting question: if Andy develops a medical problem with his private parts, does the doctor refer to HER testicles in his reports?
"Student fails in homecoming queen bid." The Dallas Morning News; October 12, 2010; p. 3B.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
You owe me!
Obama's illegal Aunt Zeituni Onyango said recently in an interview that she did nothing wrong by living here illegally. "If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen." WOW!
I thought it was interesting that the headline to this little item called her an immigrant. She is NOT a legitimate immigrant. She is an illegal alien. The media's insistence on referring to illegals as immigrants is insulting to those who have followed the rules and are legitimate residents of this country. An illegal is NOT an immigrant. He is an outlaw. And that includes Auntie Zeituni. Furthermore, may I ask, why is she still here?
"President's immigrant aunt obligated to use better sense." The Dallas Morning News; September 25, 2010; p. 20A.
I thought it was interesting that the headline to this little item called her an immigrant. She is NOT a legitimate immigrant. She is an illegal alien. The media's insistence on referring to illegals as immigrants is insulting to those who have followed the rules and are legitimate residents of this country. An illegal is NOT an immigrant. He is an outlaw. And that includes Auntie Zeituni. Furthermore, may I ask, why is she still here?
"President's immigrant aunt obligated to use better sense." The Dallas Morning News; September 25, 2010; p. 20A.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Beggars can't be . . .
HUD recently began a pilot project that will allow Section 8 recipients to receive even larger subsidies on their rents. The change will allow some of these recipients to move into apartments that rent for more than $1300 a month.
The goal of this project is to allow these people to move out of blighted areas. But I again put forth the contention that these people aren't held back because they live in blighted areas -- the areas are blighted because they live there. Most of them are lazy and won't so much as pick up a beer can out of the front yard. For some reason, they can't seem to keep from breaking window screens and breaking doors off hinges. When they eat, the dirty dishes pile up in the sink sending grease and food scraps down the drain and drawing insects and rodents; then they blame the landlord when the plumbing stops up and the rats take over. They never clean spills from the carpet, then complain about how the landlord won't replace the filthy mess. Won't it be interesting to see one of those pricey apartments after some of these people have lived in them for six or eight weeks?
According to Mike Daniel, an attorney for this project, "It means that they'll have a lot more choices. It will bring a lot more units within the reach of Section 8 families."
Well, Mike, why must they have choices? My mama always said, "Beggars can't be choosers." Looks like now, not only can they be choosers, but they can choose the best -- all at the expense of the hardworking taxpayer.
"Aid to go for higher rents." The Dallas Morning News; September 25, 2010; p. 1A
The goal of this project is to allow these people to move out of blighted areas. But I again put forth the contention that these people aren't held back because they live in blighted areas -- the areas are blighted because they live there. Most of them are lazy and won't so much as pick up a beer can out of the front yard. For some reason, they can't seem to keep from breaking window screens and breaking doors off hinges. When they eat, the dirty dishes pile up in the sink sending grease and food scraps down the drain and drawing insects and rodents; then they blame the landlord when the plumbing stops up and the rats take over. They never clean spills from the carpet, then complain about how the landlord won't replace the filthy mess. Won't it be interesting to see one of those pricey apartments after some of these people have lived in them for six or eight weeks?
According to Mike Daniel, an attorney for this project, "It means that they'll have a lot more choices. It will bring a lot more units within the reach of Section 8 families."
Well, Mike, why must they have choices? My mama always said, "Beggars can't be choosers." Looks like now, not only can they be choosers, but they can choose the best -- all at the expense of the hardworking taxpayer.
"Aid to go for higher rents." The Dallas Morning News; September 25, 2010; p. 1A
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Rephrasing the Problem
I contend that we don't have an unemployment problem in this country nearly as much as we have a don't want to work problem.
There has been much publicity recently about illegal farm workers and the fact that Americans won't do those jobs. The UFW launched a "Take Our Jobs Campaign," inviting peple to go online and apply. About 8,600 people filled out an application form, but only seven actually took the jobs. And I'm sure the other 8,593 took their little printout down to the welfare office to show they were really, really, really, looking for work. From January to June, California farmers posted ads for 1,160 farmworker positions, but only 233 people applied. Only 36 ended up in one of the jobs. A spokesman for a plant nursery said, ". . .when domestic workers were referred here, we saw absentee problems, and we had people asking for time off after they had just started. Some were actually planting the plants upside down."
My suggestion is that the welfare office have a list of those jobs. As soon as somebody comes in to apply for food stamps, they send them to work. If they don't want to work, no food stamps. We could solve both the illegal worker problem and the out of control welfare problem with just that one action.
"Farm jobs go unharvested by citizens." The Dallas Morning News; September 28, 2010; p. 8A.
There has been much publicity recently about illegal farm workers and the fact that Americans won't do those jobs. The UFW launched a "Take Our Jobs Campaign," inviting peple to go online and apply. About 8,600 people filled out an application form, but only seven actually took the jobs. And I'm sure the other 8,593 took their little printout down to the welfare office to show they were really, really, really, looking for work. From January to June, California farmers posted ads for 1,160 farmworker positions, but only 233 people applied. Only 36 ended up in one of the jobs. A spokesman for a plant nursery said, ". . .when domestic workers were referred here, we saw absentee problems, and we had people asking for time off after they had just started. Some were actually planting the plants upside down."
My suggestion is that the welfare office have a list of those jobs. As soon as somebody comes in to apply for food stamps, they send them to work. If they don't want to work, no food stamps. We could solve both the illegal worker problem and the out of control welfare problem with just that one action.
"Farm jobs go unharvested by citizens." The Dallas Morning News; September 28, 2010; p. 8A.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
How's that Obamacare workin' out for ya?
According to Hewitt Associates, a human resources company in Lincolnshire, Illinois, Dallas will experience its highest health care cost increase in more than nine years this next year. What would we have done without Obama's "affordable" health care?
"Firms' health care costs to climb 9%." The Dallas Morning News; September 28, 2010; p. 1D.
"Firms' health care costs to climb 9%." The Dallas Morning News; September 28, 2010; p. 1D.
Friday, November 5, 2010
It's his money!
I am certainly no fan of professional sports -- especially football. I think people are just way over the top about a game. But I disagree with The Dallas Morning News. They're all bent out of shape because Dallas Cowboys rookie Dez Bryant spent $54,896 for dinner for a bunch of his teammates.
They cite people who are laid off from work, people who are facing bankruptcy, people who are putting their kids through college. I don't know what they expect -- do they think that if Bryant hadn't spent that money, that those people would have somehow had all their problems solved? Look, they said, we're used to athletes making millions, but they don't need to rub their fans' noses in it. Wonder if they thought about the fact that the fans wouldn't even have known about it if the media hadn't reported it?
And, pardon me, but that money belonged to Dez Bryant to do with as he pleased. If he chose to put it in a wad and call out the media and throw it down the sewer, it's nobody else's business. I can't figure out why this is any different than a professional athlete driving a flashy car or living in a 20,000 square foot home and wearing expensive designer clothes and lots of bling. Look at it this way -- some lucky waiter probably received at least an $8500 tip off that meal. Dez Bryant was doing his part to stimulate the economy, and it didn't cost the taxpayers a cent.
"Excess doesn't seem so funny to fans." The Dallas Morning News; October 2, 2010; p. 22A.
They cite people who are laid off from work, people who are facing bankruptcy, people who are putting their kids through college. I don't know what they expect -- do they think that if Bryant hadn't spent that money, that those people would have somehow had all their problems solved? Look, they said, we're used to athletes making millions, but they don't need to rub their fans' noses in it. Wonder if they thought about the fact that the fans wouldn't even have known about it if the media hadn't reported it?
And, pardon me, but that money belonged to Dez Bryant to do with as he pleased. If he chose to put it in a wad and call out the media and throw it down the sewer, it's nobody else's business. I can't figure out why this is any different than a professional athlete driving a flashy car or living in a 20,000 square foot home and wearing expensive designer clothes and lots of bling. Look at it this way -- some lucky waiter probably received at least an $8500 tip off that meal. Dez Bryant was doing his part to stimulate the economy, and it didn't cost the taxpayers a cent.
"Excess doesn't seem so funny to fans." The Dallas Morning News; October 2, 2010; p. 22A.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The rich don't hire people.
Herman Morris of Ft. Worth thinks the rich deserve to have their taxes raised. He says that the argument that the rich are the ones doing the hiring just doesn't wash -- he knows at least 100 rich people, and none of them hires anyone except maybe a maid or a gardener or a stockbroker. I guess Mr. Morris thinks being a maid or a gardener or a stockbroker is not "real" employment.
But, I guess I have to agree with Mr. Morris. The Walton family doesn't hire people. Bill Gates doesn't hire people. Warren Buffet doesn't employ anybody. Donald Trump sure doesn't hire people -- all he does is say, "You're fired." Steve Jobs and Michael Dell don't hire people. My neighborhood convenience store doesn't hire people. The place where I bought my new flooring doesn't hire people. The contractor who put down my new flooring doesn't hire people. The local furniture store where I bought my new credenza doesn't hire people.
And anyway, even if they did hire people, they don't spend any of their money so that it could provide jobs for even more people. They never buy groceries or new furniture or new cars or take vacations -- they just stick that money in the mattress where they let it mold.
I'm really curious about what Mr. Morris does for a living. Wonder who hired him? Guess it was the homeless guy sleeping on the park bench since we all know rich people don't hire people.
I hope you see by now, Mr. Morris, how absurd your argument is. Anyway the problem is not that the rich are taxed too little -- it's that the politicians spend too much.
"Rich aren't usually hiring." The Dallas Morning News; September 23, 2010; p. 16A.
But, I guess I have to agree with Mr. Morris. The Walton family doesn't hire people. Bill Gates doesn't hire people. Warren Buffet doesn't employ anybody. Donald Trump sure doesn't hire people -- all he does is say, "You're fired." Steve Jobs and Michael Dell don't hire people. My neighborhood convenience store doesn't hire people. The place where I bought my new flooring doesn't hire people. The contractor who put down my new flooring doesn't hire people. The local furniture store where I bought my new credenza doesn't hire people.
And anyway, even if they did hire people, they don't spend any of their money so that it could provide jobs for even more people. They never buy groceries or new furniture or new cars or take vacations -- they just stick that money in the mattress where they let it mold.
I'm really curious about what Mr. Morris does for a living. Wonder who hired him? Guess it was the homeless guy sleeping on the park bench since we all know rich people don't hire people.
I hope you see by now, Mr. Morris, how absurd your argument is. Anyway the problem is not that the rich are taxed too little -- it's that the politicians spend too much.
"Rich aren't usually hiring." The Dallas Morning News; September 23, 2010; p. 16A.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Bible scholar, he ain't!
I don't know what Thom Hunter of Dallas is, but a Bible scholar, he ain't! He says Muslims are not bound for hell -- "they are regenerated children of God as surely as the most devout Christian who ever lived."
Guess he missed it when Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." And when He said, "He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." That means that a Muslim, who rejects the deity of Jesus, is not going to Heaven.
Thom says, "The love of God is manifest in all his children." While I can agree to a degree with that statement, I can't agree with it in the way Thom means it. He thinks all of us are God's children, and that's not true. Many people are "of your father the Devil." Those "regenerated" Muslims who flew those planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center come immediately to mind. Lots of love there, wasn't there?
Then Thom gives us this rambling bit of theology: "The love of justice, truth, mercy and one's fellow creatures is evidence of the vital inner life of God that is present and working in all his children, regardless of what they say they believe or even if they don't believe anything at all." Does he means that atheists are going to heaven whether they like it or not? I just really don't have a clue what he means.
And there's another thing I really don't have a clue about -- just why did the newspaper choose to print this silly drivel?
"No sin in loving God." The Dallas Morning News; September 21, 2010; p. 16A.
Guess he missed it when Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." And when He said, "He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." That means that a Muslim, who rejects the deity of Jesus, is not going to Heaven.
Thom says, "The love of God is manifest in all his children." While I can agree to a degree with that statement, I can't agree with it in the way Thom means it. He thinks all of us are God's children, and that's not true. Many people are "of your father the Devil." Those "regenerated" Muslims who flew those planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center come immediately to mind. Lots of love there, wasn't there?
Then Thom gives us this rambling bit of theology: "The love of justice, truth, mercy and one's fellow creatures is evidence of the vital inner life of God that is present and working in all his children, regardless of what they say they believe or even if they don't believe anything at all." Does he means that atheists are going to heaven whether they like it or not? I just really don't have a clue what he means.
And there's another thing I really don't have a clue about -- just why did the newspaper choose to print this silly drivel?
"No sin in loving God." The Dallas Morning News; September 21, 2010; p. 16A.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Obama is wrong again.
At a much ballyhooed town hall meeting in September, Obama pushed letting the Bush tax cuts for "the wealthy" expire. He said, "On average, millionaires would get a check of $100,000."
That's not true. That $100,00 he's talking about doesn't belong to the government and never has. It belongs to the people who earned it. They'll still be doing the check-writing to the government -- not the other way around. What is really happening is a huge tax increase. On an adjusted gross income of $250,000, a person now pays the government $87,500. If the Bush tax cuts expire, they'll pay $99,000. That's not counting the increase in the capital gains tax they'll also have to contend with.
But remember, this will affect those who make far less than that. Small businesses will have to pick up those extra taxes, too, and that means a rise in unemployment and consumer prices. If you think having to pay the government $87,500 is giving the "rich" a big break, I'd say you have a big ol' case of class envy.
Vote Republican!
"Questions show economic angst." The Dallas Morning News; September 21, 2010; p. 1A.
That's not true. That $100,00 he's talking about doesn't belong to the government and never has. It belongs to the people who earned it. They'll still be doing the check-writing to the government -- not the other way around. What is really happening is a huge tax increase. On an adjusted gross income of $250,000, a person now pays the government $87,500. If the Bush tax cuts expire, they'll pay $99,000. That's not counting the increase in the capital gains tax they'll also have to contend with.
But remember, this will affect those who make far less than that. Small businesses will have to pick up those extra taxes, too, and that means a rise in unemployment and consumer prices. If you think having to pay the government $87,500 is giving the "rich" a big break, I'd say you have a big ol' case of class envy.
Vote Republican!
"Questions show economic angst." The Dallas Morning News; September 21, 2010; p. 1A.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Where did he get it?
James Willie Jones of Lake Mary, Florida, had enough. His 13-year-old daughter who has cerebral palsy was bullied on the school bus by a bunch of little heathens. They smacked her on the back of the head, twisted her ear, called her names, and hit her with an open condom.
James Willie was arrested for disorderly conduct when he got on the bus and told the little heathens in no uncertain terms that his daughter better not be assaulted again. What he did may not have been politically correct, but he's not a small man, and I'll just bet those little heathens would rather walk across hot coals than bother that little girl again. Despite what all the do-gooders say, sometimes the only way to handle a bully is to show him there's a bigger bully than he is in the crowd (there's a foreign policy lesson in there, too, but that's for another post).
Anyway, my question in this whole thing is, did the bully get that condom from the school nurse?
"'I was a bully . . . and I apologize.'" The Dallas Morning News; September 22, 2010; p. 10A.
James Willie was arrested for disorderly conduct when he got on the bus and told the little heathens in no uncertain terms that his daughter better not be assaulted again. What he did may not have been politically correct, but he's not a small man, and I'll just bet those little heathens would rather walk across hot coals than bother that little girl again. Despite what all the do-gooders say, sometimes the only way to handle a bully is to show him there's a bigger bully than he is in the crowd (there's a foreign policy lesson in there, too, but that's for another post).
Anyway, my question in this whole thing is, did the bully get that condom from the school nurse?
"'I was a bully . . . and I apologize.'" The Dallas Morning News; September 22, 2010; p. 10A.
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