Thursday, November 4, 2010

The rich don't hire people.

Herman Morris of Ft. Worth thinks the rich deserve to have their taxes raised. He says that the argument that the rich are the ones doing the hiring just doesn't wash -- he knows at least 100 rich people, and none of them hires anyone except maybe a maid or a gardener or a stockbroker. I guess Mr. Morris thinks being a maid or a gardener or a stockbroker is not "real" employment.

But, I guess I have to agree with Mr. Morris. The Walton family doesn't hire people. Bill Gates doesn't hire people. Warren Buffet doesn't employ anybody. Donald Trump sure doesn't hire people -- all he does is say, "You're fired." Steve Jobs and Michael Dell don't hire people. My neighborhood convenience store doesn't hire people. The place where I bought my new flooring doesn't hire people. The contractor who put down my new flooring doesn't hire people. The local furniture store where I bought my new credenza doesn't hire people.

And anyway, even if they did hire people, they don't spend any of their money so that it could provide jobs for even more people. They never buy groceries or new furniture or new cars or take vacations -- they just stick that money in the mattress where they let it mold.

I'm really curious about what Mr. Morris does for a living. Wonder who hired him? Guess it was the homeless guy sleeping on the park bench since we all know rich people don't hire people.

I hope you see by now, Mr. Morris, how absurd your argument is. Anyway the problem is not that the rich are taxed too little -- it's that the politicians spend too much.

"Rich aren't usually hiring." The Dallas Morning News; September 23, 2010; p. 16A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you wonder how people like him can be so ignorant. The scary thing is, there are so many of them!