Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is Andrew for real?

Andrew Goldsmith wrote a letter to the editor. He invites us to "picture a school that is half-empty. . .a school district laying of employees . . .school districts that stop placing orders with vendors . . ." He says that's what will happen if we ship out all the illegals. "We can only hope that these hard-working, tax-paying immigrants don't take the rhetoric of fanatics seriously and leave the state. . ."

Well, Andrew, let's picture hospital emergency rooms that are not so crowded with Spanish speaking illegals that American citizens can't get the care they need. Let's picture Texas school districts saving the estimated at least $1 billion it takes to educate a bunch of illegal kids whose parents return nothing in taxes. Let's picture highways where drunk Mexicans aren't killing our citizens. Let's picture the jobs that will be open to citizens when there aren't illegals getting paid under the table. In case you weren't aware of it, Andrew, illegals pay no taxes, but they do draw benefits. They are a drain, not an asset.

"Picture the impact." The Dallas Morning News; November 26, 2010; p. 24A.

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