Monday, February 21, 2011

Maybe they really are stupid.

I have always been offended by the press bias that deems the South racist and the North pure as the driven snow. If that's really the case, then why is it that, according to the 2010 census results, the nation's blacks are leaving big cities in the Northeast and Midwest at the highest levels in decades to move to the South?

I can come to only one of two conclusions. Either the press is wrong and the South isn't more racist than any other section of the country, or blacks really are stupid.

"More blacks are moving to South." The Dallas Morning News; February 16, 2011; p. 10A.


Anonymous said...

What's up Essie? Missing your posts!

Ann Weaver Hart said...

Do you mean to sound like a racist or is it that you just hate everyone who isn't like you?

Ann Weaver Hart said...

And I see that you don't allow comments that you don't approve, so mine will go bye-bye. Racist.

Anonymous said...
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Essie May said...

You are right, I don't allow profanity or racist comments on my blog. That's why I reserve the right to approve or disapprove them. I do allow ignorant name-calling, so yours are OK.

"I love my country, that is why I criticize its absurdities; I love my freedom, that is why I do it publicly."