Sunday, June 26, 2011

Let's "die with dignity."

Remember when we were called fear-mongers because we said Obamacare would lead to rationed healthcare, and the elderly and those with chronic illnesses would get the short end of the stick? I think we're beginning to see them working on society's mindset to make that scenario seem not only acceptable, but preferable.

Steve Blow recently had a column about suicide and what he termed the "quality of death issue." The Senior Source is a nonprofit agency "serving" older adults. It's spokesman says that we've got to "reform end-of-life medical care so that a humane, dignified death becomes a worthy goal, not just prolonged life at any cost." "I don't see death as being so terrible," Linda Ross said. Wonder how she'll see death when it's staring her in the face.

And right now, they'll say all this is purely voluntary. But we'll see how long that lasts.

"Tackling the quality of death issue." The Dallas Morning News; May 15, 2011; p. 1B.

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