Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Update

One hundred and thirty Occupy Chicago protesters had to add to their name. They are now members of Occupy Chicago Jail after they refused to leave a city park when it closed.

Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York -- the ones protesting greed -- may have to change their name to Occupy Occupy Wall Street. It seems they don't want to share their food with the part of the 99% even lower on the social scale than themselves. They're perturbed that homeless people have been showing up to partake of their food.

“We need to limit the amount of food we’re putting out” to curb the influx of derelicts, said Rafael Moreno, a kitchen volunteer. So for three days, they'll serve nothing but brown rice instead of the usual organic chicken and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese salad. Now that really sounds like a menu for the downtrodden, doesn't it?

So, my conclusion is that these people want equity in the sense of increasing their own wealth by taking from those who have more, but not in the sense of sharing what they have with those less fortunate than they are. There's a word for that. It's called hypocrisy.

"Chicago protesters defy order to leave city park." The Dallas Morning News; October 24, 2011; p. 4A.

1 comment:

EarnItYourself said...

The funny part is that they don't seem to catch the irony. Pathetic, really.

I've been enjoying your posts. I found your blog by Googling "occupy idiots," which probably gives you an idea of my world view;-).

Keep up the good work!