Monday, November 21, 2011

Granny should have had better sense.

The media seems incensed that Dorli Rainey, age 84, was hit with pepper spray during an Occupy Seattle protest. But I think Granny should have had better sense.

Dorli was on a downtown bus when she heard the helicopters overhead guiding the police as they moved a bunch of protesters who were blocking the streets. She said she thought to herself, "Oh, boy, I'd better go show solidarity with New York." I think Dorli would have been better served if she'd shown solid reasoning instead of solidarity.

Mayor Mike McGinn says Rainey is a well-known local activist. Un-PC translation: We know this nut. Police said officers used pepper spray only against those who refused a lawful order to disperse. If Dorli wasn't willing to take the consequences of "solidarity," she should have stayed on the bus.

"Pepper spray victim becomes icon." The Dallas Morning News; November 17, 2011; p. 7A.

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