Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are they smart enough to vote?

Leonard Pitts says that state laws that require a photo ID to vote are all about race. Blacks "live in the margins." "You have no driver's license because you have nothing to drive." I don't know about that. It seems that even those who live in shacks with leaking roofs and tumbled down porches usually have an old Cadillac in the yard along with a satellite dish on the roof and a big screen TV in the parlor. Leonard says, "You have no passport because you've never been out of the country." There are lots of white people who've never been out of the country, either. According to Leonard, "You have no other photo ID because you have no bank account. You work and get paid under the table, a wad of cash sliding from hand to hand." So Leonard thinks people who cheat the IRS and Social Security should be allowed to vote?

But, for the sake of argument, let's agree with Leonard on all these issues. These people have no photo ID's. My contention is . . . black, white, red, or yellow . . . if they're too stupid to apply to the state government which will provide a photo ID at no cost, then they're too stupid to vote anyway.

"Of course voter IDs are about race." The Dallas Morning News; January 9, 2012; p. 11A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A M E N ! ! ! ! !