Saturday, February 4, 2012

Which part do you disagree with?

National Urban League president Marc Morial doesn't like what Rick Santorum had to say while he was on the campaign trail in Iowa. Santorum allegedly said, "I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money." I say allegedly, because if you view one of the youtube slow-motion clips of it, it's quite possible he just got his tang tungled up (as one of my high school teachers was fond of saying). It's quite possible he started to say ". . . make lives better," then decided what he wanted to say was, " . . . make people's lives better." If he did say "black people," he pronounced it "blike people."

But let's give the reporters and Morial the benefit of the doubt and say that Santorum did, in fact, say "black people's live." What part of that offends Morial? The part about living off other people's money? Or the part about earning your own money? Or the implication that by percentage, more blacks than whites are on welfare? That's easily checked out -- blacks make up approximately 12.4% of the population, but draw better than 33% of the welfare benefits.

I guess Morial just doesn't like the ring of truth.

"Santorum comments on blacks criticized." The Dallas Morning News; January 4, 2012; p. 14A.

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