Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gee, do you think it could be . . .

Our tax dollars are being well-spent. The Department of Education is conducting a study to figure out why Hispanic and black students make up 75% of students involved in school-related arrests or cases handed over to police, and why black students are more than three times as likely as their white peers to be suspended or expelled.

Gee, do you think it could be that Hispanics and blacks commit 75% of the crimes? Do you think it could be that blacks are three times as likely as their white peers to misbehave? See -- Essie solved that one without spending a dime!

"Study finds race gap in school discipline." The Dallas Morning News; March 7, 2012; p. 5A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that irritating?! Good grief, it's such an obvious thing, but since they don't like the figures, they'll do a "study" to try and alter them!