Thursday, May 3, 2012

But how do they know?

I've written before about the new energy efficient light bulbs our government had a contest to invent. The winner -- in fact, the only contestant -- was Philips Lighting. The lights, which are designed to replace 60 watt incandescent bulbs, are a real bargain! They cost only $60 each despite the contest rules that the bulbs not exceed $22 each.

Philips insists this is still a great deal, because the lights will last 20 years. But think about this: since they've only been invented in the last 5 years, no one has yet burned one for 20 years. How do they know they will last that long?

"Rebates to ease the sticker shock of new $60 light bulb." The Dallas Morning News; April 29, 2012; p. 3D. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. I have purchased the five year bulbs and I haven't had a single one last that long! As a matter of fact, the old regular bulbs out-last them and they are a lot cheaper!