Itching Ears
When the American Psychological Association instructed mental health professionals to stop telling gay clients they could become straight, they offered some options to help the client get rid of his guilt.
One of the suggestions was to have the clients switch churches so they can "live spiritually rewarding lives in instances where their sexual orientation and religious faith conflict."
That puts me in mind of II Timothy 4:3: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears."
"Spiritually rewarding" lives are achieved by obedience to God's law -- not by switching churches.
"Gay-to-straight therapy rejected." The Dallas Morning News; August 6, 2009; p. 4A.
Paris News funny for the day in an editorial: "It’s a right of passage for many, and just about every teenager’s dream — a car of their own."
The editor may have had his own rite of passage when he received his journalism degree, but he's not right when he writes about the right of passage unless he's talking about an easement.
Paris News funny for the day in an editorial: "It’s a right of passage for many, and just about every teenager’s dream — a car of their own."
The editor may have had his own rite of passage when he received his journalism degree, but he's not right when he writes about the right of passage unless he's talking about an easement.
1 comment:
Told you again and again, Xan, you're not publishing on my blog anymore. You want your drivel printed, start your own blog.
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