Take heart!
Like many of you, I awoke yesterday morning discouraged, downhearted, depressed, and feeling as if it just isn't worth trying to fight the battles anymore. How could America vote for a man and party whose values and platform are so antithetical to God's principles and the American way?
As I puttered around taking care of morning chores, I had the television on. I heard one commentator say, "Fifty-six million people did NOT vote for Obama." And the light went on! My mind immediately went to the story of Elijah.
Elijah lived under the most evil ruler with the most evil wife that the Nation of Israel had ever seen. Jezebel had a bounty on his head. So Elijah gave up and went out and sat down under a tree and said to God, "Why don't you just go ahead and kill me?" [Essie's paraphrase].
God sent an angel to feed him, and Elijah got up and went and hid in a cave. And God said to him, "What are you doing here?" And Elijah said, "I've stood up for right while my nation has gone down the tubes through disobedience to you -- they've made fun of spiritual things and persecuted your people. I'm the only one left, and they're trying to kill me." [Again, Essie's paraphrase].
And God said to Elijah, "I have seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed the knee to Baal."
Take heart, America! There are 56 million who have not bowed the knee to Baal! Though it may seem that we have been forsaken, God is still in control. He gave our nation a clear choice, and the majority chose unwisely, but God will not forget those 56 million who remain true to Him and His Word. So double up on your prayers, keep doing what's right, and be not discouraged!
Amen, Amen and Amen!!!!!!
Beautiful post Essie, thank you!
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