Saturday, April 20, 2013

If only it were that simple!
Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings is pushing for the end of domestic violence -- a worthy cause. However, I think the man is just a bit naïve.
He's had a rally, given speeches, and run full-page ads in the newspaper. His theme is something along the line of "Real men don't hit," or "Be a man." One of the speakers at his rally, Dallas Cowboy Dez Bryant, made a profound statement. "I just want everybody to know, it's not good to hit women."
My goodness! Don't you know that every wife beater in Dallas has just sat up and said, "I didn't know that! I'm not gonna' hit the old woman anymore!" And if that didn't do it, I'm sure those full-page ads questioning their manhood did.
If only it were that simple, we could have a rally against murder and rape and wipe out those scourges as well. And some glitzy newspaper ads against robbery and drug pushers and terrorism. If only . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's like the photos on facebook of abused animals that say "share" if you're against animal abuse. What in the world does that accomplish?! I don't want to see pictures of sweet animals that have been tortured and showing it to me isn't going to stop it from happening!