Thursday, October 3, 2013

I do not like it, Barack Obam!

Tony Foster of Amarillo makes fun of Ted Cruz for reading Green Eggs and Ham during his filibuster. Foster says that Ted doesn't get the whole message of Green Eggs. He says the whole point of the book is that we should try something before we judge it.

There is a big difference in Green Eggs and Ham and Obamacare. Some people might, indeed, have a liking for the off-colored eggs and ham, and they'll never know unless they try it. But we don't have to try everything to know whether or not it's good for us. We don't have to drink ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) to know it will kill us, or at the least make us very sick. We don't have to drink sour milk to know that it's not palatable. Try scrambling up a rotten egg and, if you can stay in the kitchen, try getting it past your lips. Similarly, we don't have to try Obamacare to know that stinks -- anyone with a logical brain can tell you that.

"Did Cruz get 'Green Eggs'? The Dallas Morning News;  September 30, 2013; p. 12A.

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