"Supposing I'm wrong or scientists are wrong -- 97 percent of them all wrong -- supposing they are. What's the worst that can happen?" ~Secretary of State John Kerry on benefits from limiting greenhouse gases even if climate change is not occurring.
I'd like to answer that question for the honorable Mr. Kerry. What's the worst that can happen? Economic meltdown when regulations force fossil fuel businesses out or cause their prices to rise so high we can't afford them.
Economic meltdown when we've run them out of business without having developed all those iffy things like wind farms (which erode the soil and could cause another Dust Bowl), electric cars (which nobody wants and which require a nuclear or fossil fuel source for charging the batteries), and solar panels (The White House recently installed enough solar panels to power six 50-watt bulbs for 20 hours each day if the sun is shining -- we don't know how much the panels and installation cost, because Obama won't tell us. He brags that the panels were American made and installed by American companies, but he won't say which ones. My translation of this is that the panels cost many times the money they will save, and Obama financial supporters have connections to the companies that manufactured and installed the panels.).
Economic meltdown when we can't transport food and other goods to the places where people need them. We can watch this country implode while the climate keeps doing what it's done for thousands of years. But we can pat ourselves on the back for not leaving a carbon footprint while we're doing it!
Does that answer your question, Mr. Kerry?
"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; May 25, 2014; p. 1P.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
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