Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Was that a subtle dig?

The George W. Bush Library is hosting a display of fashions by Oscar de la Renta. Gowns and other ensembles worn by Laura Bush and the Bush twins are featured.

I thought Laura Bush's comments were quite interesting:

"When you are first lady, there are certain fashion rules -- unspoken or unwritten, but you're aware of them always. A first lady must look appropriate at all times, lovely but not too flamboyant. . .Oscar knows what first ladies should wear and what would look good on them, but he also knows what would be the most appropriate and the most dignified and the most elegant. And he knows the way anyone would want the first lady of our country to be seen."

In light of that quote, do you wonder that Oscar de la Renta is one of the only famous designers that Michelle Obama has never worn?

Perhaps it's because Mr. de la Renta calls them as he sees them. He criticized Michelle for wearing a cardigan to meet Queen Elizabeth. "You don't. . .go to Buckingham Palace in a sweater," he said.

Michelle, herself, in a Vogue interview said she had a great sense of fashion. We'll let you be the judge. By the way, can't wait to see this fashion display at the Obama library.

Looks like something Granny wore to the church social

I don't care where she's been, a First Lady should never be seen in public
looking like she's headed for the welfare office.

Words fail me.

The shoes are $425 sneakers.
Perhaps she should have spent less on the footwear
and more on the Target clearance rack clothes.

Really? A mid-riff t-shirt and a high waist
skirt put together out of quilt scraps? Can you see Laura Bush wearing this?

The Cadillac with the furry dashboard and fuzzy dice
was parked outside in the Presidential parking space.

Looks like my first home ec sewing project.
Bo the dog and Michelle the . . . First Lady.
Mr. Essie May titles this one "Bo walking the dog."
Now would you like to see what a real First Lady looks like?





Not hard to see which one likes Oscar de la Renta, is it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, "Bo walking the dog!"