Friday, June 13, 2008

How does gay marriage threaten heterosexual marriage? Like this . . .

When confronted with the argument that gay marriage is bad for family values and makes a mockery of legitimate marriage, gays always trot out the tired old, "How could allowing gays to marry make your marriage any less legitimate?"

Well, now we know.

Since California has legalized same-sex marriage, Bakersfield's County has halted ALL civil weddings. Starting Tuesday, when the California Supreme Court's order legalizing same-sex marriage takes effect, Kern County Clerk Ann Barnett will issue new gender-neutral marriage licenses as required by law. But she will not perform the ceremony (evidently, the County Clerk in California has that authority much as our justice of the peace does). This decision came after she learned that she could not refuse to marry a same-sex couple.

Our legislators and courts need to think long and hard on this issue! They have opened up a can of worms, and once done, you can't recapture all those slimey little boogers! We better stop right here, repent, and put the lid back on that can. Otherwise, normal people will no longer be allowed to legally marry.

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