Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Plan A or Plan B?

Just heard a news report that placed in a nutshell what Obama and McCain would do about our economy:

McCain - Cut the corporate income tax (that's not just big business, that also means the small hometown operations); $5000 income tax credit for health insurance; extend the Bush tax cuts. Eliminate earmarks. I believe McCain is the only senator who has never availed himself of this practice as a matter of principle. Imagine, a politician with principles! All of those mean money in your pocket, and money in your pocket helps the economy.

Obama - Raise income taxes on the rich (his definition of rich); raise corporate taxes (that will be passed along to the consumer); universal health care (notice it's universal -- not FREE -- universal just means everybody's going to have to pay for it -- unless of course you're a deadbeat and already live off the taxpayers). See any more money in your pocket with any of these ideas?


Anonymous said...

You know it is so simple to understand. It's hard to comprehend why the Democrats don't get it!

Anonymous said...

I believe I will choose Plan A!