Monday, July 14, 2008

More Black is Beautiful

Steve Blow, a Dallas Morning News columnist had some further comment on the John Wiley Price incident I talked about a few days ago. (I have been requested to provide links to the stories I reference, and I'll try to remember to do that -- I'll put them at the ends of my posts). His general feeling was that this was an absurd incident, but he also said, "As a white person, I probably can’t fathom what it’s like for the color of your own skin to be synonymous with — to quote from the The Synonym Finder — evil, dirty, criminal, satanic, corrupt, sinister, disgraceful, foul, ghastly.... "

In the first place, that's ridiculous. Black is a color. Why would we call a black hole any other color? IT'S BLACK! One of the rooms in my house is painted a ghastly pink color. I want to repaint it to beige. Right now, though, I can call that room beige, blue, brown, or purple, but you know what? IT'S STILL PINK!

In the second place, blacks themselves chose the way they wish to be referred to. When I was a child (and this will date me), I was taught the polite way to refer to them was "colored" or "Negro." At some point this became offensive to them, and we all readjusted our thinking to "African American" or "Afro-American." And at some point, we were told "black is beautiful," so we readjusted our thinking again. So don't come yelling about black holes and black being sinister and people using black as a derogatory term. It was your people, John Wiley Price, who chose the designation. Either live with it, or tell us what your next pc term is.


Anonymous said...

Well, in my opinion, blacks won't be content with any "label" they are given (even when they pick it!) because they are not comfortable in their own skin! I'm white, I'm proud of that fact and no matter what anyone else calls me.."honky" "cracker" etc....I'm still going to be content with who I am.

The whole problem is within themselves....not with society. long can they play the race card thing?? I'm sick and tired of hearing out....either accept being black and get on with your life or find out where Michael Jackson got his bleaching done!

Perhaps with all the Mexicans moving in, they feel their issues will no longer be in the forefront! Lets face it white, intelligent, people are becoming a major minority.....we had better start learning from all the blacks and mexicans and start popping out some white, intelligent, future voters so we can reclaim the country. I shutter to think what will happen if Obama is elected. May God have mercy on us all!

Essie May said...

I finished my post and thought of some things I left out, so I'll just add them here.

To carry Mr. Blow's argument to the other side, how do blacks think we feel when white is associated with deceit (snow job), fear or panic (white-faced), death (ghostly pale), old age (white hair), evil (whited sepulchre), sickness (white plague) . . .

Back to my argument about it being a color -- when you see a black car, do you think, "That car is sinister and evil"? When you see a black sweater, do you think, "That sweater is satanic and dirty"? If you do, get some psychiatric help!