Friday, July 18, 2008

A mother's plea to break your heart . . . NOT!

The trial for Wesley Lynn Ruiz was held last week in Dallas County. Ruiz was accused of the murder of Police Officer Mark Nix in March of 2007. The jury convicted Ruiz, and his mother testified at the sentencing phase of his trial.

"I never in my worst nightmares thought I'd have to stand up for his character," she said. What character? Wesley Ruiz has convictions for burglary, escape, theft, possession of a controlled substance, evading arrest, and unlawful possession of a weapon. He is a known gang member. This woman is either disingenuous or stupid.

"That fatal day, he honestly believed his life was in danger," she weepingly continued. His life wouldn't have been "in danger" if he hadn't fled from the police with meth and an assault weapon in his car, lost control of the car, then refused to get out of the vehicle when they told him to.

"I'm terribly sorry that Officer Mark Nix is not here, but Wes is part of me just like Mark Nix was part of you." No, I don't think it is the same at all. By dear Mom's own admission, she has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and was not there for a long stretch of her son's life. Wonder why she cares so much now?

At any rate, her tears didn't work. The jury saw through them and sentenced him to death. Score another one for good old Texas common sense.

"Killer's family pleads with jury to show mercy." The Dallas Morning News; July 10, 2008; p. 9B.

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