Friday, July 31, 2009
I don't get it.
A child molester is a child molester. They don't get cured. He should be in jail. Maybe we'll get a sane judge who will protect society when he molests the next child.
"Man gets probation in fondling case." The Dallas Morning News; July 21, 2009; p. 2B.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Look from Another Angle
This is what will inevitably ensue with Obamacare. The argument is that doctors profit by you under their care longer, so they order unnecessary tests and treatments. I don't know about you, but that's not been my experience. I've had several fairly serious medical problems over the years, and my doctors have always taken a conservative approach -- "Let's try this, and if that doesn't work, then we'll order this or that test and try something a little more involved." They're also leaving the patient out of this equation -- the patient has the option to ask, "Is this test really necessary? What will happen if I don't have the test?" If you don't trust your doctor to give you an honest answer, you need to get another doctor.
Back to my original point - from the opposite angle, if a doctor is getting paid the same amount for every patient no matter what he does, I can see a weary, underpaid physician saying, "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning," when I may be suffering from a brain tumor. I won't have the option to choose another doctor, because I'll get the one the government picks for me.
Which system would you rather have - fee-for-service or some form of Obamacare?
"Health care system can ill afford to continue with fee-for-service." The Dallas Morning News; July 21, 2009; p. 1D.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Art is in the eye of the beholder.
First of all, if they are so concerned about the orphans of "Bush's war," perhaps they should have spent that $5000 on something for them. They can't wear that shoe, and they certainly can't eat it. Second of all, if al-Zaidi had thrown that shoe at Saddam, he wouldn't be in prison. He'd be in a mass grave somewhere. I guess he thinks he and all those orphans were much better off in Saddam's Iraq. At any rate, it looks like indoctrination of innocent children is still going on there.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Viva le President!
"Sarkozy: Burqas anti-woman." The Dallas Morning News; June 23, 2009; p. 6A.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Being fired was not this man's problem.
Medical technician Ervin Lupoe and his wife, Ana, lost their jobs with Kaiser Permanente Medical Center West Los Angeles. Before killing himself, his wife, and their five children, Ervin faxed a letter to a TV station. He said in the letter that it was all his wife's idea. He said they didn't want to leave their children to strangers. Perhaps he should have asked the kids whether they'd rather be dead or live with someone else. I kind of think they'd probably have chosen option B. Ervin blames Kaiser Permanente in his last message. Given his drastic reaction to being fired, I suspect Kaiser Permanente had very good reasons for the termination. This man obviously had problems, but being fired was the least of them. I don't think we can blame this one on the economy.
"Man kills wife, 5 kids, himself." The Dallas Morning News; January 28, 2009; p. 10A.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Why There are no Honest People in Washington
Gerald Walpin was the inspector general of Americorps. June 10, he received a phone call from Obama's special counsel for ethics and government reform, Norman Eisen. Eisen's words to Walpin were, "Mr. Walpin, the president wants me to tell you that he really appreciates your service, but it's time to move on. You can either resign, or I'll tell you that we'll have to terminate you." He was given one hour to make his decision.
The position Gerald Walpin held has a special provision to it under the Inspector General Reform Act passed in 2008. This provision says that if a president wants to fire an inspector general, he must first give Congress 30 days' notice explaining his reason for the termination. The co-author of this provision? Senator Barack Obama. But we all know the truism for Washington -- the rules apply to everyone except me. Congress was not notified until after Walpin received the call from Eisen and refused to resign.
So why did Obama want to fire Walpin in the first place? In the course of fulfilling his responsibilities, Walpin initiated an investigation of Sacramento, California Mayor Kevin Johnson. Johnson ran a group called St. Hope which received $850,000 in Americorps funds. Seems Johnson treated the St. Hope staff, funded by this $850,000, as his own personal servants. They drove him to personal appointments, kept his car washed, and ran his personal errands. Walpin decided no more money for St. Hope.
Oops! Johnson is a personal friend of Obama's. Behind Walpin's back, a deal was cut. Johnson would give back some of the money he had misappropriated, and he would be eligible to receive more money. When Walpin found out about the deal, he contacted members of Congress. That's when he got the call firing him.
So, you see, we do have some honest people in Washington. But they don't get to stay there long.
"Will Congress investigate funny business at AmeriCorps?" The Paris News; June 24, 2009; p. 4.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Are you a criminal if you break the law?
All this is bad enough, but here's what Angelica has to say, "It's to shame me. That's all it was, to shame me. To make me look like a criminal."
Well, Angelica, let me clue you in on something here. It's not the bracelet that makes you look like a criminal. You look like a criminal because you ARE a criminal! That's what we call people who brazenly break the law.
"Raid spotlights rift in race for jobs." The Dallas Morning News; January 25, 2009; p. 9A.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dallas man files for divorce.
The plaintiff in this case has asked not to be identified, because "My company has an extremely low tolerance for publicity." If I were the judge in this case (and I wish I were), I'd say, "Too bad, so sad, you should have thought about that before you went so public with your perversion."
The plaintiff's lawyer says, "They want to get divorced just like a straight couple." If I were the judge in this case (and I wish I were), I'd say, "Too bad, so sad, you can't marry here just like a straight couple so you can't divorce just like a straight couple."
The plaintiff says, "I believe all people should have the same rights to do what they want to with their private lives." If I were the judge in this case (and I wish I were), I'd say, "Too bad, so sad, but you can do in your private life what everyone else does. What you want is something outside the law, and nobody gets that."
Now, here comes the good part. This little demonstration may end up costing gays in Texas. If the Texas Supreme Court gets the case, they may interpret the current law to the detriment of gays and lesbians in areas such as employment benefits. Too bad, so sad -- NOT!
"Case puts same-sex divorce at state door." The Dallas Morning News; January 23, 2009; p. 1A.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wood, hay, and stubble?
I'm not really sure I understand what Luckovich was trying to convey, but it shows Satan and God in negotiations over where Michael will spend eternity. Newberg says, "To raise the question whether this talented performer would be entering heaven or the underworld dishonors one of the world's greatest musical artists of all time."
I think it's a valid question. When faced with the mortality of a famous person, I think it's a natural question. Certainly nothing in his life showed that he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. Maybe he had -- but a life of perversion and drugs doesn't reflect it as likely. Ms. Newberg should know that God is not overawed by Michael Jackson's talent. God is not bowing to "one of the world's greatest musical artists of all time." My opinion is that he was NOT one of the world's greatest musical artists, but each to his own. All his music after the Jackson Five sounded the same to me. But even if her assertion is correct, God is not impressed. All He wants to know is, "Are you covered in the Blood of the Lamb?" And if you are, then He wants to know, "Did your life produce gold or wood, hay, and stubble?" If Michael was saved, given the manner of his death, I tend to think he'll have to slide over to the wood, hay, and stubble category.
Apologies to Ms. Newberg for daring to point out that Michael was not some kind of god who is not to be criticized or questioned, but instead was a sad example of someone who believed his own hype.
"Cartoon in poor taste." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2009; p. 10A.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Vocabulary Testing Required
I think Justice Ginsberg needs a vocabulary test. Equal opportunity was afforded -- they all took the same test under the same conditions. What she wanted was equal results. Opportunity is not the same as results. The newspaper says, "Federal guidelines presume discrimination when a test has such a disparate impact on minorities." Looks to me like it just means these particular minorities weren't smart enough or didn't study hard enough for promotion.
By the way, Justice Ginsberg and Judge Sotomayor will probably rule in lock-step once Sotomayor joins the Court -- the firefighter ruling that was overturned was by a panel including the wise Latina.
"White firefighters win case." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2009; p. 1a.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Son of Sam to Son of God
In 1976-1977, David Berkowitz killed at least six people and shot several more. He claimed he was possessed by demons and ordered by his neighbor's black Labrador retriever to kill. When he was caught and tried, he was sentenced to six life sentences. He is now in the Sullivan Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison, in New York.
Berkowitz says he sought out demonic entities to worship in order to receive their powers. He says he was in the most literal sense a "servant and soldier for Satan." In 1987, when he had been in prison 10 years, he was walking one night in the prison yard. Another inmate named Rick began to talk to him. He and Rick became friends, and over time Rick told him about the love of God and His saving power. Berkowitz was not convinced -- he was too evil. Besides, he was a Jew. One day, Rick gave him a little Gideon New Testament containing Psalms and Proverbs and told him to read the Psalms. And the Son of Sam read. One night, he read Psalm 34: "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam, filled with remorse, knelt down by his bunk. He says, "I began to pray, to talk with God as if He were right there in the cell with me. I asked Him to forgive me for everything I had done. I told Him how sorry I was and threw myself at the mercy of Jesus Christ." David Berkowitz, the child of God, arose from that bunk.
David's life continues to show that his was not the typical "jailhouse conversion." The newspaper article I mentioned earlier details his relationship with Andy Kahan, a man who has dedicated himself to seeing that infamous killers do not profit from their crimes through the sale of so-called "murderabilia." "He has been an invaluable asset for me . . ." Kahan says of Berkowitz. Berkowitz says of the sale of items related to his murders, "I am very bothered and troubled by what these auction sites are doing." He has signed affidavits disavowing any connection at all to the sales.
Does God still perform miracles? You bet He does!
"His pen pal is 'Son of Sam.'" The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2009; p. 5B.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Your stimulus tax dollars at work.
Oncor chief executive Bob Shapard said, "Our first considerations in seeking these stimulus grants are whether the funds will help consumers lower their electric bills or advance smart-grid initiatives to improve service and reliability." Now, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but do you really believe our bills will go down if Oncor gets this money? If you do, as someone I hold dear once offered, "I have a very nice fountain on the plaza downtown that I can sell you at a really good price."
"Meter funding sought." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2009; p. 1D.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how Obama's stimulus package has pulled us "back from the brink" when unemployment rates are still rising? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how taxing health care benefits, employers, and charitable contributions is not "raising taxes"? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how it's wise to tell Russia, "We will not aim a missile at you if you attack us"? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me why a woman who has made statements such as, "I can make a better decision than a white man," is being considered for the Supreme Court? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how a senator can come up with a plan as cockamamie as giving every child born in the U.S. a $500 savings account with the government to match up to an additional $500 each year? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how building parks and jungle gyms is included in the health care bill? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how you're labelled a homophobe if you believe the Bible on homosexuality, but those who don't believe the Bible aren't labelled biblophobes? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me why it's not racist to give a man a job because his skin color is black, but it is racist to give a man a job because his skin color is white? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me why people who have children out of wedlock expect the taxpayers to support their broods? I just don't understand.
Can someone explain to me how anyone could think it wise to make it easier for high-risk people to get loans when that's what got us into this financial mess in the first place? I just don't understand.
Is it just me, or is there a lot in this world today that's just not very understandable?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
There's something wrong all right!
There's something wrong all right -- it's the sad state of our morals!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Do these numbers add up?
“Megachurches: Younger, less active.” The Dallas Morning News; June 10, 2009; p. 4A.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
We may have hope!
If you really listen to what Obama says, he says nothing. Take for example what he told the Wisconsonites: "What do we tell those businesses that are choosing between closing their doors and letting their workers go?" Does that make any sense to you? Does that sound like a choice? If they close their doors, why do they need workers? And if they let their workers go, who's going to keep the business open? It's like all Obama's words and deeds -- illogical, dangerous rhetoric.
And tell me this wasn't planned. I'm sure you remember ten-year-old Kennedy Corpus who got a hand-written school absence excuse from Obama for attending his town-hall meeting. Who besides a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat would name his daughter Kennedy? If the press had done a little digging, I bet they would have uncovered the set-up.
"Obama touts health care plan."
"Girl's absence gets a pardon from Obama." The Dallas Morning News; June 12, 2009; p. 8A.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
More media bias.
Next to this article was one about Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, saying of Obama, "Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me." This was on page 9. If Rush Limbaugh, or Mike Huckabee, or Sean Hannity had said something like that, what page do you think it would have been on? A racist is a racist -- unless he happens to be black or Muslim.
"Some see growing racist movement across U.S."
"Wright blames 'them Jews,' apologizes." The Dallas Morning News; June 12, 2009; p. 9A.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How do you define courageous?
"Chastity Bono planning sex change." The Dallas Morning News; June 12, 2009; p. 9A.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Darned if you do, darned if you don't!
Here's the latest: you know the environmentalist push to carry reusable bags to the grocery store? Not a good idea. Sporometrics, an environmental microbiology firm, says they found reusable food-shopping bags teeming with bacteria, yeast, mold and coliform counts -- enough to raise the danger signal. "The moist, dark, warm interior of a folded reusable bag that has acquired a small amount of water and a trace of food contamination is an ideal incubator for bacteria," the report said.
And I heard on TV recently that now that the long-heralded digital switch has occurred on our television airwaves, we'll be tossing into those crisis-laden landfills thousands of discarded analog TV's with high lead levels.
You know what would stop all the craziness? If the government would butt out!
"Bacteria may be breeding in your reusable grocery bags." The Dallas Morning News; June 6, 2009; p. 5E.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
What missile defense systems?
"Hawaii residents take test reports in stride." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2009; p. 5A.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Can you read between the lines?
- Approximately 10 million of those are not citizens -- they are illegal aliens.
- Approximately 9 million of those are wealthy and choose not to buy insurance -- they don't need it.
- Approximately 14 million of those qualify for CHIPS or Medicaid, but they haven't applied for it.
- A significant number of those are transitional -- they are between jobs and will have coverage as soon as they get another job.
Bottom line: we don't have 49 million people who can't afford and/or get insurance. Estimating on the high end -- maybe 20 million.
Democrats disagree with the $1 trillion cost projected by the Congressional Budget Office. They say that the estimate overlooks important "money-savers" to be added later. Money-savers = taxes.
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley says, ". . .we're in the position of dialing down some of our expectations to get the costs down . . ." Translation: You're not going to get the care you've come to expect.
I heard one Democrat (I can't remember who it was) say on television the other day that we shouldn't be concerned about Obamacare causing a deficit because it would be "revenue-neutral." Revenue-neutral = raising taxes.
We all need to become experts in reading between those Democrat lines!
"Worries grow on overhaul." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2009; p. 4A.
"Who knows what's best?" The Dallas Morning news; June 22, 2009; p. 11A.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Isn't this a non-story?
The plane landed safely, because there was -- ta da! -- a co-pilot! That's why we have co-pilots. Let me preface this next comment by saying that I in no way find Captain Lenell's death amusing. His family and friends have my sincerest sympathy in the loss of their loved one. What I did find amusing was the media questions to the passengers debarking from the flight. I'm sure they were looking for dramatic stories of panic. What they got instead was, "We didn't know he was dead. All we knew was that they asked for a doctor." Which is exactly as it should be.
Now the media is saying that the age limit for pilots should be lowered back down from 65 to 60. Captain Lenell's abilities are not in question. He had recently passed all his health exams. What happened to him could happen to a 42-year-old pilot.
I say to the media, "Get a grip!" The back-up system worked like it was supposed to. This is a non-story! And I won't even mention two weeks of you-know-what about Michael Jackson!
"Pilot's death may rekindle debate over age limits in cockpit." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2009; p. 3D.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Unclear on the Concept
"New answer needed for tow law." The Dallas Morning News; January 14, 2009; p. 18A.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
How far we have fallen!
"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor." -- George Washington
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -- John Adams
"Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe." -- James Madison
"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Is it not that in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? -- that it forms a leading event in the porgress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth? -- That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?" -- John Quincy Adams
Wonder why they left this one out? -- "We are not a Christian nation." -- Barack Obama
The Dallas Morning News; July 4, 2009; p. 8A.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More on Forgiveness
A 15-year-old brought a gun to a school activity. When a teacher tried to take it away from him, he assaulted the teacher. This student was already (surprise, surprise!) in alternative school and had been banned from the campus. The student later vandalized the teacher's vehicle to the tune of $2000 in damage.
The teacher says, "If I can't forgive a child for doing something stupid, what kind of man am I? Yes, I forgive him."
By the way, the disciplinarians of the school system forgave him, too. He's back in school. Wonder if they'll forgive him when he guns down a bunch of innocent people?
"A teen with a gun and a grudge." The Dallas Morning News; January 17, 2009; p. 19A.
Monday, July 6, 2009
How do you know if you're getting the full story?
I give as an example The Dallas Morning News:
One of their headlines read that he was sentenced for "participating" in a sex act. A 220 pound man "participates" in a sex act with a child, or he forces a sex act on a child? I tend to think it's the latter. The newspaper described the act as fondling. It was actually forced oral sex. I have also read at least one account that said it went far beyond that. As Prosecutor Gary Young describes it, it was a "violent sexual crime."
The newspaper describes him as having "profound" mental disabilities. His mental disabilities were not so profound that he didn't go to school, ride his bike around the neighborhood, go shopping, and do other ordinary things that other ordinary people do.
The newspaper says Paris is "unforgiving." Well, excuse me, but that's a pretty stupid statement. If we're just going to forgive every criminal, why have courts or laws at all? What about protecting the innocent? That had a lot more to do with it than being "unforgiving."
The newspaper says that veteran disability rights advocates believe he should have counseling, probation, or placement in a group home. Well, if his mental disabilities or so profound, can he understand counseling? Probation is a great idea -- he has no supervision at home, and if he isn't able to understand right from wrong, I can see him heading right back over to his victim's home for another attack. Group home? Do we want to subject the other disabled people in a group home to him?
He's a first-time offender, the newspaper laments. No, he's not. He was on probation when he was arrested for assaulting this child, and he had a criminal mischief charge pending.
He was a target for bullies who stole his bike and his shoes. I have no confirmation of this, but I heard it was the other way around. He was gentle, courteous and well-behaved. As long as defecating on the neighbors' lawns and throwing bricks through their front doors doesn't count.
So you see, you didn't get the whole story from the newspaper accounts. Yet people all over the United States have decided they're experts on this case, and we all must be blooming idiots. And the moral of this story is, you can't believe everything you read in the papers.
"Is 100-year sentence too much?" The Dallas Morning News; June 10, 2009; p. 1A.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Is this really what we want?
Well, DUH! Of course health care is rationed because of how much they spend on it. And the system sets how much they spend. When Alan needs surgery, and they tell him, "You'll have to wait two years -- cost containment, you know," we'll see if he still thinks America needs to quit spending so much on health care. Of course, the ironic truth is that we're going to be spending far more under Obamacare than we are now -- and we'll see far more rationing. Just like those countries who spend only 7 to 10 percent on health care. I can hardly wait!
"Sowell neglects key info . . ." The Dallas Morning News; January 13, 2009; p. 10A.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Top Ten Myths
Every member of congress should be required to read this book before he votes on Obamacare! I urge you to read it, too, then make your views known to your senators and representative.
"Why universal health care is a bad idea." The Dallas Morning News; January 10, 2009; p. 21A.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Let's reach out and love everybody!
"Evangelicals urged to oppose nukes." The Dallas Morning News; April 29, 2009 p. 2A.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Obama says stimulus is working.
Obama's yes-men say the stimulus has helped Americans with increased food assistance, higher unemployment insurance, and subsidized health care. That's not economic stimulus -- that's redistribution of wealth. How about really helping people with some of those jobs he said he's created? Isn't it strange that he's "created" thousands of jobs, yet unemployment continues to rise? If he had really "created" all those jobs, we wouldn't have to have his stimulus package to help people buy food, or pay them unemployment insurance, or subsidize their health care. Obama's stimulus success is just like him -- a sham.
"Obama to speed stimulus spending." The Dallas Morning News; June 9, 2009; p. 1A.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What the attack in Arkansas says about the Muslims.
When the abortion doctor was recently murdered, she did her "Last Word" on that. Her concluding question was, "What does this say about the pro-life movement?" Well, Jamie, it doesn't say anything about the pro-life movement. What it says is that a nut murdered a man he found reprehensible. It happens all the time. So since Jamie always gets the last word on her show, I'm going to get the last word on my blog.
Abdulhakim Muhammad (his real name is Carlos Bledsoe), a convert to Islam, shot two soldiers outside a recruiting center in Arkansas. In documents released June 2, authorities said they recovered Molotov cocktails, three guns and ammunition from his truck after the attack. He targeted soldiers "because of what they had done to Muslims in the past." What does this say about Muslims? A whole lot more than what the nut who killed Tiller said about the pro-life movement. And that's the last word.
"Weapons found after attack." The Dallas Morning News; June 3, 2009; p. 4A.