Monday, July 20, 2009

Your stimulus tax dollars at work.

You may remember that I've written several posts about Oncor installing smart meters and how they bought a bunch of meters that don't meet state standards and are expecting the customers to pay for them. The latest on that is that Oncor has applied for $317 million of Obama's giveaway money to pay for meters that do work.

Oncor chief executive Bob Shapard said, "Our first considerations in seeking these stimulus grants are whether the funds will help consumers lower their electric bills or advance smart-grid initiatives to improve service and reliability." Now, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but do you really believe our bills will go down if Oncor gets this money? If you do, as someone I hold dear once offered, "I have a very nice fountain on the plaza downtown that I can sell you at a really good price."

"Meter funding sought." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2009; p. 1D.

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