Tuesday, December 8, 2009

James O'Keefe: American Hero!

James O'Keefe is an American hero. We all owe him a great deal of gratitude. Even though we've known that ACORN was rife with corruption, it seemed they were invincible. Congress was afraid to say anything for being labelled racist. Obama surely wasn't going to say anything -- it's his pet organization, and it's highly likely it was ACORN's illegal activities that got him elected. They continued to receive millions in federal funds, they continued to fraudulently register voters, and that's just the corruption we know about.

James O'Keefe did what Congress couldn't or wouldn't do -- he initiated the publicity to bring this disgrace to its knees. He's the man who took his camcorder and an actress portraying a prostitute into ACORN offices and documented the blatant disregard for this country's laws and for the people like you and me who are having our money confiscated and used to promote underage prostitution. Three cheers for James O'Keefe! He's proof that one man can make a huge difference!

Note to The Paris News: When you report on an incident on one of the numbered streets in Paris, you need to include the directional. Writing "Police arrested a man on 13th Street" does not provide the location of the arrest. It merely narrows it down to four possible places. We have 13th NE, 13th NW, 13th SE, and 13th SW. I've noticed a staff problem with directions, though. The new high school is on Southeast Loop 286 (Loop 271 in most of your references). Yet you reported the new high school stadium was located on the Southwest Loop. I suggest you ask Santa for a GPS!

"Youthful indignation created a firestorm." The Dallas Morning News; September 18, 2009; p. 9A.

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