Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This ain't room service, folks!

I sometimes think I've heard everything, but then something else comes down the pike that truly amazes me. Have you heard of Yuppie 911 devices?

These are gps devices that bored people with too much time on their hands are buying. They use them to hike or do other stupid things in dangerous remote areas. Then, when they get into trouble, they push the panic button and we pay for helicopters, rescue teams, etc. to bail them out.

In September, two inexperienced men and their teenage sons decided to hike the Grand Canyon Royal Arch Loop. This is not a trek for sissies. In the span of three days, they pushed their panic button three times. The first time, they ran out of water, but they found a creek before the helicopters got there. The second time, they thought the water tasted salty, and they were afraid they would become dehydrated. The third time, the rescuers finally wised up and forced these idiots to leave.

This ain't room service! It should be policy that any time a call for help is made, the caller is evacuated. Then, he should be billed for the expense of the rescue. Let's use a little common sense here!

"'Yuppie 911' keeps rescue teams busy." The Dallas Morning News; October 26, 2009; p. 6A.

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