Thursday, March 11, 2010

God is surely weeping!

Royal Lane Baptist Church should write Ichabod ("And she named the child Ichabod saying, 'The glory of the Lord is departed . . .'" I Sam. 4:21) on its doors. They started down the slippery slope some time ago. First, they welcomed openly gay and lesbian couples into their congregation. Then they began ordaining them as deacons. Now they have added to their website "We are a vibrant mosaic of varied racial identities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and denominational backgrounds."

They say this is to reflect the church's "affirmation" of gays and lesbians. So now, not only do we have to be tolerant, we have to "affirm" them. The pastor of the church says the church "welcomes gays and lesbians and does not think they need to remain celibate nor try to change their sexual orientation." So not only do we have to "affirm" them, we also have to say, "Go, have sex with anyone, anything -- whatever you do is good!" The pastor also says, "The thought of Jesus being unaccepting of somebody because of their sexual orientation . . . that's unthinkable to me." I don't guess he's read Revelation 21:8. And it really doesn't matter what the pastor thinks or doesn't think. What matters is what the Scripture says.

One of the church members is Bruce Lowe. He wrote an essay entitled "A Letter to Louise: A Biblical Affirmation of Homosexuality." I don't know what Bible he reads, but the only affirmation of homosexuality in my Bible is the one that affirms it's an abomination. I guess next they'll be affirming pedophiles and rapists -- if their urge is to have sex with children and demean women, it must be OK. After all, God made them that way, didn't he?

Yes, God is surely weeping.

"Church ends silence on welcoming gays." The Dallas Morning News; March 6, 2010; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've used the pedophile argument with "pro" gay people before and their answer is always, "Well, that's different!" Their mentality "bottles" the mind!