Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Queen Andy Moreno

Andy Moreno is a senior student at North Dallas High School. He dresses and acts like a girl. He wanted to run for homecoming queer -- I mean queen.

Thank goodness for a principal with some principles! Principal Dinnah Escanilla does not abide such foolish grandstanding. If Andy wants to run for homecoming king, that's fine, but boys do not run for homecoming queen.

Moreno was not among the three nominees selected for homecoming queen. "I'm really mad about it. I know it's not because I didn't have enough votes," he said. And now Queer Liberation is threatening a lawsuit. It irks me that the taxpayers of DISD will have to foot the bill to defend against this stupidity.

Another thing that irks me is The Dallas Morning News and political correctness run amok. Despite knowing that Andy is a boy, it persists in referring to him as "she" and "her." It claims its policy is to refer to people in the gender they prefer. Which brings up an interesting question: if Andy develops a medical problem with his private parts, does the doctor refer to HER testicles in his reports?

"Student fails in homecoming queen bid." The Dallas Morning News; October 12, 2010; p. 3B.


Anonymous said...

Don't you know God sits in His heaven shaking His head in disgust!

Anonymous said...

Besides being a month late with your article, you have a few of your facts wrong. The issue wasn't about Andy running for Homecoming Queen. It was in protest to the principal calling Andy names and laughing in her face. Andy has been living as a girl. She went to Homecoming in a dress. She uses the girl's restroom. The school allows this. The principal just didn't want a tranny for Queen. If you have seen a pic of Andy, you'd be far fetched to accept her as King. Do you know a transgendered person? What would you say to a hermaphrodite? Because of someone just like you, my son committed suicide, and I want to sincerely thank you for that. I hope you burn in Hell. - Charles Byrd, Dallas, TX

Essie May said...

Why, Charles, how tolerant of you! My facts are exactly as the newspaper published them. Look it up. Your son didn't commit suicide because of people like me. He made a choice. I'm sorry for your loss, but if a total stranger had more influence on him than his own father did, perhaps you should be doing a little introspection instead of pointing fingers at other people.

Anonymous said...

Riddle me this...

Does a gay man who becomes a woman suddenly become straight, or does he/she remain gay and change his/her prefence for women?


Anonymous said...

Charles Byrd, You sir can call a dog a cat all day long but it doesn't change the fact that a dog is a DOG! You keep referring to Andy as a "she" matter how many times you or anyone else address Andy as a she, it isn't going to change the fact that Andy is a he. Andy may even have the surgery to remove his parts and turn them into something that might resemble a female and he may take drugs in order to make his breast grow, but it still does not change the fact that God saw fit to bring HIM into this world as a boy. AND to my knowledge God doesn't make mistakes!!

I'm sorry your son saw fit to take his own life, but that responsibility does not fall on the shoulders of Essie or anyone else. HE MADE THAT DECISION! How dare you wish Essie or anyone else to burn in Hell?! What an evil thing for you to say...may God have mercy on you and your confused state of mind.