Friday, March 11, 2011

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Jeffrey Kreisberg of Coppell says that talk of deficits is a ruse. It just keeps us from talking about the real problem in America. What's does Jeffrey think the real problem is? "The disparity of financial assets."

See, it's not fair if you've risked your money to start a business and through hard work have become financially well-off while the guy who goofed off and did as little as possible has nothing. He says if Governor Christie of Maryland would stop protecting those who are industrious from those who are lazy-good-for-nothings, we could solve our deficit problem - which he's previously said was a ruse.

Make up your mind, Jeffrey!

"Asset gap ignored." The Dallas Morning News; March 5, 2011; p. 22A.

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