Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tax those nasty rich folks!

Willa Kulhavy of Garland thinks the rich don't pay enough taxes. She says the solution to all our economic problems is to "tax instead of subsidize the rich."

Willa might be interested to know that the top 1% of wage earners pay 38.02% of income taxes collected. The top 5% pay 58.72% of income taxes collected. The top 10% pay 69.94% of income taxes collected. The top 25% pay 86.34% of income taxes collected, and the top 50% pay 97.30% of income taxes collected.

That means the bottom 50% pay 2.7% of income taxes collected. So, Willa, who's subsidizing whom?

"Tax the rich." The Dallas Morning News; February 27, 2011; p. 3P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate it when ignorance speaks out?!