Who is the cruel, self-righteous one?
Would that we all were as enlightened as Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd. She says the bigoted and homophobic Boy Scouts of America is getting everything it deserves in the way of negative publicity. What I don't understand is why their stand offends Ms. Floyd so much. If she likes homosexuals, more power to her. If the Boy Scouts, a private organization, doesn't wish to associate with perverts, that's their business and none of hers.
She says she feels a "pitying bemusement" at their dumb wrongheadedness. How condescendingly arrogant can one person be?? She feels sorry for the kids, because it's valuable to have an organization where "a kid can learn to tie a square knot or toast a hot dog on a stick." I don't understand how keeping out homosexual leaders keeps these little boys from learning how to tie a square knot or roast a hot dog on a stick. Is Jacquielynn saying that only homosexuals know how to do those things? Have you thought about, Jacquielynn, that if the homosexual parents of boys will put their children's welfare above their own political agendas, their children can participate in the Scouts just like any other children? The Scouts have never ousted a single child because the child had a gay parent.
I am thinking particularly of that goofball Jennifer Tyrrell, the gay mother who brought her 300,000 signatures to the Boy Scouts because they won't let her in a position of influence over those young minds. What does Jennifer think her actions are doing to her 7-year-old son? Does she not think he will suffer taunts over what she is doing in parading her perversion around like a badge of honor? If she really wants her son involved in scouting, she'll keep her mouth shut and abide by their rules. If she doesn't like their rules, she needs to start her own scouting organization.
Ms. Floyd says the Scout's policy is cruel and outdated. She says when "grownups parade their moral bigotry and intolerant self-righteousness, it's kids who pay." I say Ms. Floyd is the self-righteous one -- she thinks she knows more than God. I say Jennifer Tyrrell is the cruel, self-righteous one. She is parading her moral perversion, portraying herself as a martyr, and using her son when he's too young to even understand what homosexuality is; and he is the one paying the price.
"Gay ban may set Boy Schots on a trail to obsolescence." The Dallas Morning News; July 20, 2012; p. 1B.
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