Monday, August 13, 2012

You can apologize anytime now.

In 2009, Barry Applewhite of Plano took William McKenzie to task for his assertion that Obamacare would explode the national debt. Barry said that he had listened to Obama's entire speech to the AMA, and he had pledged that his plan would add nothing to the debt over a 10-year period. It would be revenue-neutral, and Obama had already come up with more than $900 billion.

Well, here we are 3 years later, and it appears McKenzie was right. The 10-year debt for Obamacare now stands at $2.7 trillion, and I imagine there will be more to come. Applewhite accused McKenzie of being a fear-monger. I don't think that accusation can stick when the warning is warranted.

You may apologize to Mr. McKenzie any time now, Barry.

"Facts omitted on health care plan." The Dallas Morning News; June 18, 2009; p. 18A.

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