And that tells you where the Democratic party is!
In watching parts of the Democratic Convention, I wondered how anyone who calls himself a Christian could be reconciled to being a Democrat. This is the party that resoundingly voted to take God and support of Israel out of its platform. Even though they voted to do it, the chairman "heard" it differently, and the God and support of Israel went in anyway. Obama's own party gets a taste of his autocratic ways.
My thoughts were corroborated by something that didn't happen at the Convention. A federal judge in Massachusetts has ruled that the state must pay for a prisoner to have a sex change operation. In hailing this decision as one of enlightenment and progress, Kathy Padilla, who is really a man, said, "Now there are transgender delegates at the Democratic National Convention." Meghan Barr, the reporter who wrote this story says, "[Transgender men and women] have made great strides in recent years toward being treated like ordinary people." Mara Keisling, a transgender rights activist, said that due to "insufficient cultural competency . . . There are still people who believe that being a transgender person is a choice, or exotic or bad." Guess I'm culturally incompetent! She says that the bright side is that those people are becoming fewer and fewer all the time. And she's right -- isn't that a sad commentary on our society?
Yes, we've made great strides all right -- let's let men marry men and women marry women and women change themselves into men who marry other men and just whatever other sexual perversion strikes you. Because, after all, they're all just like you and me. Yeah, right!
Republican Senator Scott Brown called the judge's ruling an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars. "We have many big challenges facing us as a nation, but nowhere among those issues would I include providing sex change surgery to convicted murderers." Amen, Scott!
"Ruling is milestone in transgender visibility." The Dallas Morning News; September 6, 2012; p. 7A.
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