Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How long does it take to cure a crazy person?

Do you think that a woman who is so crazy that she cuts off her baby's arms with a kitchen knife can be cured in less than four years?

In 2004, Dena Schlosser said God told her to cut off her baby's arms, so she did. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity. She was released in 2008. She was re-committed in 2010. She was last seen working at Wal-Mart in Terrell. Psychiatrists say she is "not a risk." I guess not as long as you don't let her stock the kitchen knife shelves. Wal-Mart says she is no longer employed there.

Paris News funny: The police activity column is headlined "Probe continues of injured man." Misplaced modifiers notwithstanding, I bet that hurt!

"Woman who killed baby in '04 fired from Wal-Mart." The Dallas Morning News; August 7, 2012; p. 3B.

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