Friday, October 12, 2012

Depends on how strong the motivation is.
Barbara Johnson of Dallas says that any great society should help the needy. I agree. Where Barbara and I disagree is on who the needy are. I say the needy are those with no family support system who have a physical or mental disability which precludes them from finding gainful employment. I say the needy are elderly widows who, instead of working outside the home, made homes for their families in an era when that's what most women did. Those elderly widows may now find themselves without a reliable income if their husbands did not make provision for it.
Barbara says not everyone is capable of "finding within themselves the confidence and drive which is necessary to make a decent life." I guess that depends on the motivation, Barbara. Cut off their food stamps and housing subsidies and Medicaid and let them get hungry enough and cold enough, and they just might get rid of enough laziness to dig down and find that "confidence and drive."
"Looking down on the needy." The Dallas Morning News; September 16, 2012; p. 2P.

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