Sunday, October 21, 2012

John Zeigler has the answer.
John Zeigler of Denton thinks he has the answer to Social Security and Medicare. He says we simply eliminate the cap on income subject to FICA. That sounds good, John. Do you also agree then, that we should allow those who exceed the cap to draw a benefit commensurate with what they've paid in? I'm sure John realizes that the cap works both ways -- the benefit also hits that ceiling.
Then John says we should have the government negotiate for lower drug prices under the Medicare drug program. That sounds good, too, until you need a drug that will never be formulated because the drug companies were forced into such small profits by Medicare that they can no longer afford to dump money into research.
John says what we are dealing with is a "lack of political will on the part of those who have been materially blessed to see themselves as part of the whole body politic." I think he's saying that rich people are stingy. But are they? The top 1% of income earners had 16.9% of all the country's taxable income. But that same tiny group also kicked in 37% of all the taxes paid.

So, John, it seems your whole theory is just a tad off.

"Wealthy must pitch in." The Dallas Morning News; September 14, 2012; p. 16A.

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