Wednesday, December 5, 2012

From the WIST File
"Amina Khan of the Los Angeles Times writes that the American Academy of Pedicatrics issued a new policy statement urging doctors to give underage teenagers prescriptions for emergency contraceptives, such as Plan B, before they start having sex. . .
Absent from the recommendations of the new policy is what I call Plan MC -- moral compass. Families and society are abandoning their role of presenting human sexuality as a beautiful gift from God uniting the permanent love of two people (marriage) and bringing forth human life. . .
The new policy also presumes that teenagers don't have free will and are incapable of choosing God's plan for human sexuality, love and life. Only when human sexuality is presented in this noble sense will the rate of teen pregnancy drop and the sacredness of sexuality be reaffirmed."
Douglas Deshotel
auxiliary bishop
Diocese of Dallas

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