I know!
John Zeigler of Denton is rightly upset at the random violence of shooters such as James Holmes -- and he would undoubtedly include Adam Lanza and his heinous crime. But John's solution to the problem is quite naive. John says that we must have more laws regulating guns. Think about it, John -- guns are not responsible for these crimes any more than automobiles are responsible for the more than 10,000 lives lost each year in drunk driving accidents.
John thinks his solution will work, because he is evidently under the impression that people who are intent on killing other people are law-abiding. I have a better solution than violating the Constitution by taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Instead of outlawing guns, let's outlaw murder, and that will cover all the weapons from strychnine to anti-freeze to ropes to knives to AK-47's.
"NRA, end your denial." The Dallas Morning News; July 24, 2012; p. 12A.
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