Thursday, February 28, 2013

Some Points on Sequestration
  1. We are not talking about actual cuts. The government will still be on track to spend more this year than it did last year. We are talking about cuts in the rate of growth. For example, if you expect to get a $10,000 raise next year, but you get $7,500 instead, your pay has not been cut. You are still getting $7,500 more next year than you did this year.
  2. If sequestration does occur, we are talking less than 3%. I heard someone on one of the talk shows put a good perspective on this. He said that if you make $1000 a week, and your pay is cut 2%, you're talking about $20 a paycheck. You will not lose your house and car over $20, and if you do, then you were over-extended to begin with. Instead, you might do without a Starbucks three times a week, or cut out one restaurant meal. Incidentally, Obama effectively gave the working citizens a 2% pay cut January 1 this year. If we're paying our "fair share," shouldn't the government be expected to do the same?
  3. Why is Obama tooling around the country on Air Force One (wasting more taxpayer money) talking to people who can't solve the problem? Those people elected Senators and Representatives to speak for them on tax and economy issues, and they are the only ones with the votes to accomplish anything. Why isn't Obama in Washington talking to them?
  4. Is our government operating so lean and mean that 2% in unnecessary spending can't be found? Is Obama saying that there's not at least 2% of our budget that is wasted? Let's start there with cuts. For example, we overpay scam operations like the Scooter Store while cutting the reimbursement rates for legitimate medical providers. The Scooter Store has been overpaid between $46.8 million and $87.7 million in the last couple of years, yet they were already under a 5-year agreement to return $19.5 million in overpayments. What's wrong with this picture?
  5. Perhaps we could cut some of Obama's stimulus. Do you realize how much money has gone down the tubes in government subsidies for green energy? So far, 34 companies that were offered federal support from taxpayers have gone down the tubes or are about to do so. The 2009 stimulus included $80 billion to subsidize the president's pet energy projects. Since that time, more than 1,000 investigations have been opened  to look into stimulus waste, fraud, and abuse, and nearly 600 convictions have been made. So not only are we out the $80 billion we gave these companies, we're also out the cost of the investigations.
  6. Bottom line: Sequestration is not the end of the U.S.A. as we know it. That happened a little over four years ago.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Insure Them Away
Have you heard about the latest tactic being floated to deprive law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights? Legislation is being introduced in at least six states to require gun owners to buy insurance. They say it's the same as requiring car insurance, but it's not. What it amounts to is a tax on gun ownership. If you never drive your car on a public street, you don't have to buy insurance. But with guns, even if the firearm stays in a locked box in your closet, you'd still have to buy insurance. Add to that the fact that car ownership is not a right specifically protected by the Bill of Rights.
The argument is that having insurance will decrease the number of "gun tragedies." Is that right? Can you tell me how that happens? Am I less likely to have a car accident because I'm insured? Is my home less likely to burn down if I'm insured? I don't get the connection here. They might just as well be honest about it. It has nothing to do with reducing "gun tragedies" and everything to do with depriving citizens of their Constitutional rights.
"Sides at odds over role insurance should play." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2013; p. 9A.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Does Tim Tebow have the courage of his convictions?
I was disappointed to hear that Tim Tebow is bowing to the politically correct crowd by cancelling his speaking engagement at First Baptist Church, Dallas. The liberal media keeps spreading malicious lies about the "controversial" pastor there and how he spreads hate. I've not heard one thing Robert Jeffress has said that indicates to me he is a hate-filled man, but I have heard enough to know that he has the courage of his convictions. Unfortunately, it appears the same cannot be said of Tim Tebow.

Tim Tebow evidently told Jeffress that he "needs to stay away from controversy." There is nothing controversial about what Robert Jeffress preaches -- everything he says is straight (no pun intended) from the Scripture. I don't know about Tim Tebow, but I'm awfully glad that Jesus didn't shun "controversy."
"First Baptist loses Tebow." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2013; p. 1b.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dangerous Terrorist At Large!

Be on the lookout for Madison Guarna, a dangerous terrorist at large in Pennsylvania. This 5-year-old suspect, pictured above, is armed with a Hello Kitty bubble gun like this one:

She was suspended by the Mount Carmel Area School District for making a terroristic threat when she told her classmates who were waiting for the school bus with her that she was going to "shoot" them with the soap bubbles.

The whole world has gone bonkers!

"Tolerance is low for gun play." The Dallas Morning News; February 19, 2012; p. 1A.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Conspiracy Theory?
I'm not one to jump on all the conspiracy theory bandwagons. But it seems to me that this is just a little too much of a coincidence. We know how Obama is using the Sandy Hook parents and others who've lost family members by putting them into the anti-gun spotlight.
Much was made of the murder of the Chicago teenager who performed at Obama's inauguration and was gunned down days later in a Chicago park. Michelle attended Hadiya Pendleton's funeral and met with her friends and family, and Hadiya's mother was Michelle's guest at the State of the Union address. Obama also used Hadiya's death for his anti-gun speech when he spoke at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago on February 15. Janay McFarlane's sister sat behind Obama on the platform there. At 11:30 that night, Janay was shot and killed while walking through an alley. Lucky for the Obama's, they get another arrow in their anti-gun quiver. Or is it luck? On a side note, Janay has a 3-month-old baby. What was she doing out walking in an alley at 11:30 at night? Shouldn't she have been home with that child?
We might also want to note that both of these murders took place in Chicago where it's next to impossible to legally own a gun. Either Obama chooses to ignore that fact, or he is too stupid to make the connection.   
"Sister of Obama stage guest is shot to death." The Dallas Morning News; February 18, 2013; p. 6A.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New study shows ropes cause hanging.
A new study by the anti-gun people says that nearly 2/3 of the deaths from guns in 2010 were suicides. They are, of course, using this statistic to bolster their argument against 2nd Amendment rights. But as I see it, it's an argument that most of the deaths from guns are not a result of homicidal maniacs; therefore, the general public need not go into a panic because people exercise their rights to firearm ownership.
According to this study, "most researchers say . . . guns in the home increase the risk of suicide." Really? Isn't that a bit like saying, "Pepto-Bismol in the house increases the risk of an upset stomach"? I can't think of any situation where someone who is not inclined to commit suicide in the first place would say, "Oh! Look! We have a gun in the house. Think I'll shoot myself."
The bottom line is that guns don't cause suicidal shootings anymore than ropes cause suicidal hangings.
"Most shooting deaths' common thread: suicide." The Dallas Morning News; February 17, 2013; p. 8A.


Friday, February 22, 2013

I wish I were the judge!
I wish I were the judge in this frivolous lawsuit. I'd throw the case out and charge the plaintiff all sorts of court costs. We need to start making examples of these idiots.
Clint Bench has no hands and does not use prosthetics. He is suing Six Flags because they won't let him get on the Aquaman Splashdown ride. The Aquaman Splashdown is one of those boat rides similar to the log flume, only the boats are larger. The splashdown drop is more than 119 feet.
I've ridden this ride before, and even with hands and holding on, I came out with some rather large bruises on my legs. I can just see the lawsuit if this man were injured because he couldn't grab hold of the safety restraint.
Even in his suit, he admits that it's stupid to ride with no hands. "There are many people who, . . . in a silly display of bravado, keep their hands in the air for the duration of the ride." But if one were to stand on the bridge spanning the splashdown point and watch, I'll just bet that every one of those silly people grasp the restraint at or slightly before the point of impact.
Anyway, this man is married and has two kids. Doesn't he have anything better to do than grouse because he can't get on an amusement park ride? He claims mental anguish -- I think he's just mental.
"Handless man sues Six Flags." The Dallas Morning News; February 14, 2013; p. 5B.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Amateur theologians show their ignorance.
All these liberal amateur theologians are beginning to get on my nerves. Steve Blanck of Mesquite is just the latest to twist, misquote, and misinterpret the scriptures to fit his own political agenda.
Steve says that he's searched the gospels and can't find where Jesus hated homosexuals. On that, we can agree. He can search the epistles and the Old Testament, though, and easily find where Jesus hates homosexuality. Steve says that "Jesus hated bankers and loved all others." On that, we can't agree. I can't even imagine where Steve came up with something so ludicrous. Guess he missed that part about God so loved the world. Or maybe I missed the part that says God so loved the world except for bankers -- and He hates them and can't wait to send them to hell.
Steve wants to know why we're so hung up on what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. The answer is very simple, Steve. God thought it important enough to put it in the Bible. That means He has a message in it for us. I suspect that the message is not so much the sin itself, but the attitude toward the sin -- a failure to repent and the arrogance to think we can flagrantly violate God's laws and encourage others to do the same without consequence. We are in the era where evil is called good and good is called evil. Have you read that part, Steve?
I have to conclude that Steve has seldom, if ever, picked up a Bible. If he has, he certainly has some comprehension problems, and he is in no wise qualified to tell us what Jesus would do.
"Who would Jesus accept." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2013; p. 12A.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Interesting Statistics
In the United States, 47% of the voting public receive tax dollars rather than pay them. Considering that, here are some other interesting stats:
  • More than 90% of households have a microwave oven
  • 88% have a television set with 68% having more than one set
  • 87% subscribe to cable or satellite TV
  • 77% own a personal computer
  • 72% have a flat-screen TV
  • 68% have broadband internet service
If you have a basic mathematical education, you can readily see that at least some of the people who claim they can't survive without government handouts somehow manage to afford microwaves, high-tech TV's, computers, cable, and internet service.
Kind of makes me nauseated.
"Let's get real about income tax." The Dallas Morning News; January 27, 2013; p. 1D

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Please, Senor, let me pluck your chickens!!
Jose Hernandez-Medina of Southlake wrote an unintentionally funny letter to the newspaper. Jose takes issue with those who say that illegal aliens are breaking our laws. He asks, "When have you seen a mugger, thief or purse snatcher whose main purpose is to build your roads, pluck your chickens, build your homes and care for your young and elderly?"
When I read that my imagination took over. I saw a little two room, dirt floor house somewhere deep in Mexico. I saw Mamacita bent over a little fire in the front yard making tortillas. Pedro kneels beside her. "Mamacita," he says, "Pedro have grande dream. Mi Dios say go to America where I become best chicken plucker in the world. He say plucking chickens why he put me here, so, Mamacita, I go swim rio and find Senor with muchos chickens for me to pluck." Mamacita say, "Si! Si! Pedro! You pluck chickens make me muy proud. Send me muchos pesos!"
I wonder if that's how Jose Hernandez-Medina came to be here?
"Illegal entry same as mugging?" The Dallas Morning News; February 11, 2013; p. 10A.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Al "Bigfoot" Gore
Al Gore boasts that he "walks the walk" when it comes to green energy. "But I walk the walk. I have solar panels all over my house; I even have a solar-paneled little houseboat for recreation. . .I do understand the challenges of making this transition to a decarbonized world, and renewable energy is a difficult one, but I am doing my part."
Are you really, Al? Did you know that the manufacturing process for solar panels creates millions of pounds of polluted sludge and contaminated water? To dispose of this material, companies have to ship it by truck or rail to waste facilities hundreds or even thousands of miles. But government scientists cheat. They don't count the fossil fuels needed to transport this gunk in calculating the carbon footprint of the solar panels. Experts say this omission gives consumers and scientists a false measure, leading them to believe solar power is cleaner than it really is.
So, Al, maybe you really don't understand the challenges of decarbonizing the world. I'd say when you factor in your private jets and the sale of your tv station to Al-Jazeera, you're leaving a Bigfoot size carbon footprint in that walk of yours. Hypocrite!
"The dirty side of sun power." The Dallas Morning News; February 11, 2013; p. 8D.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are the liberals trying to starve the children?
It seems that every time a conservative wants to cut the waste and fraud and giveaway programs in government, the liberals have conniption fits about "starving the children" and "throwing Granny over the cliff." How much would you like to bet that liberals and not conservatives are responsible for this bit of starving the children:
The California Department of Education has ordered eight districts to repay nearly $170 million in free and reduced-price lunch programs. It seems they used the money for salaries and other expenses. I'm wondering how many children in those districts actually went hungry without that $170 million. My guess is zero. My guess is that mom and dad paid for the lunch, or they made them a sandwich, or they ate at home.
"School meal money misused in California." The Dallas Morning News; February 7, 2013; p. 9A.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Who is Floyd Corkins II?
Have you ever heard of Floyd Corkins II? I didn't think so. If Floyd were straight, and if he had done what he did at GLBT headquarters, I promise you would know his name. But Floyd isn't straight, and the organization he attacked was the Family Research Council.
Last August, Floyd wounded a security guard at the Washington headquarters of the Christian lobbying group. He planned to do much more -- there is evidence that he planned to kill at least 15 people there, but the brave security guard managed to wrest the gun from him before he could carry out the "gun violence" all the liberals are ranting and raving about. Isn't it odd that they don't use Floyd in their arguments? Floyd carried with him 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches that he intended to smear into the faces of his victims. Perhaps we should start requiring background checks for chicken sandwiches.
Anyway, my point is that Floyd has not been on the front pages of the papers. He's been relegated to page 5 instead of the page 1 coverage he would surely receive if he had attacked a liberal organization.
"Chick-fil-A-carrying gunman admits attack." The Dallas Morning News; February 7, 2013; p. 5a. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

We must do background checks for alcohol!
In 2010 (the latest year for which I could find complete statistics), there were 8,306 murders committed by people using guns. That same year, there were 10,228 murders by drunk people using cars.
I propose that we require universal background checks for every person ordering a margarita at his favorite Mexican restaurant or stopping by the convenience store for a 6-pack of beer. In fact, we should limit beer to a 2-pack. Those high capacity little plastic rings that hold the cans together are dangerous, because they allow you to carry more beer at one time without reloading.
In fact, I just might consider proposing banning alcoholic beverages altogether (if I thought I could get it passed). But, wait, seems to me like they tried that about 95 years ago, and as I recall from history, it really didn't work too well. Maybe the advocates of tossing 2nd amendment rights should look at what happened during Prohibition. They might learn something.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Politically Correct, But Stupid!
I hope you all sent your special someone a Valentine today, and I hope you used your best penmanship.
What is wrong with that sentence? Well, I have been terribly insensitive and politically incorrect. You see, according to the Washington State legislature, "penmanship" is an offensive word. So are "dairymen" and "freshmen."
With all the problems in the world, this legislature has spent six years ridding state documents of these odious words. Washingtonians now must say, "handwriting," "dairy farmers," and "first year students." Just think of all the other words that are floating around out there offending people. What about ladybugs? Ladyfingers? Amen? Boycott? Boysenberry? Indian summer? Mentor? Menagerie? Permanent? Mansion? Manhattan? I say that their work has barely begun!

To the citizens of Washington, I know you'll rest much easier tonight knowing that your elected officials are dealing with this critical threat to your peace, safety, and economy. However, I'm curious as to how they will refer to the Washington counties of Skamania and Whitman in state documents. And what will they do with the towns of Alderwood Manor, Dishman, Manchester, Normandy Park, and Pullman? Ah - legislating -- it's a neverending battle for those poor congressmen. Oops! Congresspeople.
"Washington state tries to banish most 'men.'" The Dallas Morning News; February 4, 2013; p. 5A.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You have it backward, Chris!
I don't know what expertise or experience Chris Rock has to be appearing on Capitol Hill on the subject of gun control, but evidently somebody thinks he should be up there. At any rate, here's what he said:
"President of the United States is our boss, but he is also . . . you know, the president and the first lady are kinda like the mom and the dad of the country. And when your dad says something you listen. . ."
No, Chris, the President is NOT our boss. We are his bosses. No, Chris, the President is NOT our dad. He doesn't have to be concerned with our day to day lives -- in fact, he should be butting out of our day to day lives. No, Chris, the first lady is NOT our mom. She doesn't have to tell us what we can eat and what we can't. And, Chris, what does it matter whether or not we listen to him? He's only going to tell us that all the good things are because of him and all the bad things are because of George Bush. I have more sense than to believe that.
"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2013; p. 1P.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dumb Quote of the Day
"I hope no one uses the term 'illegal immigrants' here today. Our citizens are not -- our -- the people in this country are not illegal. They are out of status. They are new Americans that are immigrants, and I think that we can forge a path to citizenship that will be able to pass muster." -- U.S. Representative John Conyers, D-Mich, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration policy.
So the next time I get stopped for speeding, I'm just going to say, "Oh, I'm not a speeder. I'm just out of status, and I think that we can forge a path out of this ticket that will be able to pass muster."
And can't you just hear the bank robber: "I'm not a robber. I'm just out of status, and I think that we can forge a path to my possession of this money that will be able to pass muster."
"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2013; p. 1P.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Which scourges will we tolerate?
There are no gun shops in Chicago, because they are outlawed there. Chicago also completely banned handguns for many years until the Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional. When that happened, they instituted restrictions so tough that they have been described as the closest they could come to outlawing guns without actually doing so. Illinois has no provision that allows citizens to carry guns in public despite the Constitutional protection for such.
Despite these gun laws, Chicago had more police officers murdered in 2010 than any other U.S. city. It boasts one of the highest violent crime rates in the country -- higher than that of either Los Angeles or New York.
Just recently, a 15-year-old girl who performed at Obama's inauguration was gunned down in what was probably a gang shooting. She was sitting in a park with friends. She was one of 42 homicides recorded already in the Windy City since January 1. There were more than 500 homicides in 2012. Doesn't look like banning guns worked for Chicago. In fact, it looks like it may have made crime more prevalent.
Obama's mouthpiece, Jay Carney, says that the President and First Lady feel they have an obligation to try when it comes to "the scourge of gun violence." I guess they think the scourges of knife violence or poison violence or strangulation violence aren't a problem.
"Inauguration performer killed." The Dallas Morning News; January 31, 2013; p. 6A.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Media Bias?
Two men who lost children in Newtown, Connecticut, testified at the State Capitol last month. Neil Heslin held up a picture of himself with his son Jesse Lewis who died at Sandy Hook. Heslin told lawmakers that he had grown up around guns, but he saw no reason that civilians should have weapons like the one used to kill his son.
Mark Mattioli lost his son James at Sandy Hook. He said, "I believe in a few simple gun laws. I think we have more than enough on the books  . . . The problem is not gun laws. The problem is a lack of civility." He also said that he thought people were using Newtown to spread fear on gun issues.
Guess which father's photograph accompanied the article?
"Newtown families join the debate." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2013; p. 6A.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Are you mean and backward?
Jacquielynn Floyd is patting herself on the back as if she has something to do with the Boy Scouts considering lifting their ban on queer members and leaders. But, she says, " . . .if the organization chooses at long last to drop its ban and join modern civilization, it won't be my victory." She says the ban is "pointlessly cruel." No, it's not -- it's morally sound!
Jacquielynn says that if you oppose homosexuals taking your little boys out to hike or canoe or toast a marshmallow on a stick, you must be one of those "mean and backward" people who can't grasp that homosexuality and pedophilia share the same similarities as heterosexuality and pedophilia. I guess Jacquielynn is just too close-minded to grasp that I wouldn't want a heterosexual man taking my little girls camping any more than I would want a homosexual man to take my little boys camping. Jacquielynn completely misses the whole crux of the matter. There is nothing with being a heterosexual. There is something wrong with being a queer.
Jacquielynn says that if the Boy Scouts follow through with this "about-face," the kids win. Sorry, Jacquielynn, but that's not what God says, and He's even more knowledgeable about what modern civilization is than you are.
And just for the record, I have decided that I will no longer refer to queers as gay. They are not gay -- they are perverted. Gay was a perfectly good word until they stole it from us. I'm taking it back to be used in its proper definition. But queer has always meant . . . queer, so the queers can keep it!
"Scouts' about-face is about time." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2013; p. 1B.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pitiful . . . Just Pitiful!