Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Insure Them Away
Have you heard about the latest tactic being floated to deprive law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights? Legislation is being introduced in at least six states to require gun owners to buy insurance. They say it's the same as requiring car insurance, but it's not. What it amounts to is a tax on gun ownership. If you never drive your car on a public street, you don't have to buy insurance. But with guns, even if the firearm stays in a locked box in your closet, you'd still have to buy insurance. Add to that the fact that car ownership is not a right specifically protected by the Bill of Rights.
The argument is that having insurance will decrease the number of "gun tragedies." Is that right? Can you tell me how that happens? Am I less likely to have a car accident because I'm insured? Is my home less likely to burn down if I'm insured? I don't get the connection here. They might just as well be honest about it. It has nothing to do with reducing "gun tragedies" and everything to do with depriving citizens of their Constitutional rights.
"Sides at odds over role insurance should play." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2013; p. 9A.

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