Politically Correct, But Stupid!
I hope you all sent your special someone a Valentine today, and I hope you used your best penmanship.
What is wrong with that sentence? Well, I have been terribly insensitive and politically incorrect. You see, according to the Washington State legislature, "penmanship" is an offensive word. So are "dairymen" and "freshmen."
With all the problems in the world, this legislature has spent six years ridding state documents of these odious words. Washingtonians now must say, "handwriting," "dairy farmers," and "first year students." Just think of all the other words that are floating around out there offending people. What about ladybugs? Ladyfingers? Amen? Boycott? Boysenberry? Indian summer? Mentor? Menagerie? Permanent? Mansion? Manhattan? I say that their work has barely begun!
To the citizens of Washington, I know you'll rest much easier tonight knowing that your elected officials are dealing with this critical threat to your peace, safety, and economy. However, I'm curious as to how they will refer to the Washington counties of Skamania and Whitman in state documents. And what will they do with the towns of Alderwood Manor, Dishman, Manchester, Normandy Park, and Pullman? Ah - legislating -- it's a neverending battle for those poor congressmen. Oops! Congresspeople.
"Washington state tries to banish most 'men.'" The Dallas Morning News; February 4, 2013; p. 5A.
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